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I looked up to see the man at the top. Getting farther and farther. The little light there was, was getting smaller and dimmer. I had no power. My body began to flip. This was fun, but I could only think of the 'what ifs' again.

"What if I land on a hard surface? What if I fall forever? What if I do land safe? What would I do then? What if... He always had this planned?" The last one scared me the most. "I should have expected this then. Why didn't I keep my guard up? I'm eight I should know better! I'm... Only eight. No family left. My friends think I'm on vacation. No one knows where this place is. No one can save me. Even if I do live, what will I do. How will I escape this place? All the others in the town, were they kidnapped too?" All these possibilities scared me as I fell. They scared me to the point I cried and began to scream in anger.

Then I stopped falling. I looked up to find a darkness above me. It was a new darkness though. A darkness that breathed. A darkness that sent a chill to your bones. A darkness that... sneezed on me? "EWWWWWWWW WHAT IS THIS!?" I was covered in a sticky substance in my hair.

"S... Sorry" the voice still had no face but gave the impression of a... Shy little boy?

I was being lowered to the ground beneath me. I could finally see it. I was so happy that I asked the shy boy to drop me. He did, but only when it was a safe distance.

I laid on my back like I did at Niagara Falls. "Was that only today? No it had to of been yesterday." I lost all track of time. I looked up and saw the man jump down. The shy boy, I still couldn't see but I imagined him, fly up and grabbed the man. "Wait fly? How could he fly?" Another question I had to answer.

The man dropped on to the ground next to me. He lit a stick on fire and I could see. I never knew a fire could glow so bright. It was almost like we were on land and the sun was out. But we were deep underground. And the fire, it was beautiful. A colorful mixture of deep reds bright yellows and rusty sunset oranges. They all mixed together, then separate. It made me think of oils. They just couldn't mix properly. The fire looked like a lava lamp. That's it! It was beautiful, and yet impossible.

"Stand up." The man held out his hand out to help me get up. I felt it would be rude if I didn't. So I took it. "So you met Jamie here?"

"No. Well hi Jamie, I'm Hope." I smiled and introduced myself to the small shy boy I could now see. Dark blonde hair with green eyes. His hair was a little long, just to cover his ears, and messy. Light freckles seemed to dance across his nose. The boy was thin, but still strong for his age. Slightly taller than me but much paler. "I still don't know your name" I looked back at the man who brought me here.

"Fine." He paused for a moment to think. "My name is Hendricks." For the first time I noticed his appearance. It didn't seem important before. He had a mixture of green and blue eyes. His hair was a lighter blonde. He was tanner than the boy but yet paler than me still. Taller than both the boy and I." As expected of an old man." I thought to myself and giggled.

"Are you two related?" I asked the man.

"Not... Exactly." He looked at the boy and laughed. "You will understand later."

"How old are you?" I look back at Jamie over my shoulder not wanting to turn around.

"Ten. What about you?" He started to look up from the ground. Then once we made eye contact he looked back down as if scared of me.

"I'm eight. Are you scared of me?" I started to sound a little sad.

"He's just shy. Come on we have to keep going. Jamie you can come along if you want." Hendricks started walking farther into the path once again. It went Hendricks, me, then Jamie. Once again I felt safe.

We walked on and on. I could feel Jamie's timidness behind me. It grew stronger every step. Finally, I could no longer stand the silence.

"So what's going on here? What's with these city people looking at me? How did you guys get here? What's the point of the city? How can Jamie fly?" I asked almost all at once.

"Why don't you try asking one at a time." Hendricks says with a smart time in his voice.

"How can Jamie fly?" I demanded forgetting the shy boy was right behind me.

"I was born with a disorder. My parents didn't like me with a disorder. So..." He looked back at the ground and drifted off to his own world again.

"He was sent to a foster home. And was later brought here. In a much calmer way then we had to bring you here though." Hendricks finished what Jamie was saying.

"So why are people brought here?" I asked my next question that I really wanted answered.

"This is a town for the 'super natural'. Anyone who has strange powers is taken here. You don't know it yet but you have it too. We were able to sense the power growing. If we could sense it then the government was hot on your trail. Many 'anti power' groups are out looking for this town but it's hidden with a force field. You have to be brought here by one of the chosen townspeople to be able to find this place." Hendricks said as if none of this fazed him.

"How long have you been here?" I asked out of curiosity "And how did you sense my 'powers'? And what are your powers? And what if the 'anti power groups' get me? And what's my power?" I asked this last one with wide eyes and excitement.

"Here we go again with the many questions." Jamie said half laughing no longer as shy as before.

"Okay okay! What's my power?" I asked fast.

"We don't know yet." He answered just as fast as I asked.

"What if they get me?"

"Unsure, but who they do take is never seen again."

"And what are your powers?"

"You have already seen them."

"EARTHBENDING!" I screamed jumping up and down proud of myself. "How long have you been here?" I asked this one slower and calmer than the rest.

"About 20 years." He sounded almost sad at this.

"Ohh..." I finished feeling his sorrow and we continued walking to who knows where. "Soooo, where are we going?"

"You will see." They both said but Jamie was happy and excited while Hendricks was serious.

"How much farther?"

"Here." Hendricks answered. We took three more steps forward and I saw a figure. An outline of someone. It was hard to see exactly who. Then I jumped back, astonished of what was in front of me.

"Is that... ME?!"

"We believe so. We think your power reincarnates you. And you seem to have other powers too. If we are not mistaken you are one of the most powerful beings out there. That's why we had to take you here to safety no matter the cost. We don't know exactly what your powers are. But in one of your past lives you made this town. Do you remember any of this?"

"N... Nothing at all." I sat down not able to process everything. It's all too confusing. "My head hurts!" I laid down feeling a small pounding above my right eye.

"Let's find you a bed back in town." Hendricks said and had Jamie fly me back to town so it was faster.

"Thanks Jamie." I whispered and fell asleep on the couch in the house he brought me too before I heard him reply.

"No problem. This is my house." He turned back to find me asleep already. "I'll get you some food for when you wake up."

When I woke up I found a soft blanket over me. It was green and smelt of green apples. It made me smile as I looked over to find Jamie and a woman at the table with some soup and a pie of some kind.

"Good morning sweetheart." The woman said with a smile. "Your Jamie's new friend for what I've heard right?" She asked already knowing the answer and smiled softly. A nice caring motherly smile.

"Yes, I'm Hope."

"Ahhh, I'm Jamie's mother. You can call me Mrs. Cathy." Never changing the kindness in her voice.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Cathy." I replied happily.

"Would you like anything to eat?" Jamie asked.

"Sure!" I was starving from the day's adventure. I got off the couch and walked over to the table. There at the table was chicken noodle soup and a peach pie. I took a little of each and quickly finished without a sound.

"Let Jamie show you around town. Now go on you two." She shooed us out the door and giggled when she saw Jamie blush a little.

"Do you have any friends I could meet?" I asked Jamie.

"Maybe a few. Sam would probably be at the library. Let's go there first."

"Sure thing!"

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