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A sharp pain in my lower left arm. It was like a dull point trying to break through my skin.

"Oh are you finally up? Well it's about time." Tiffany was stabbing a wooden pencil tip into my arm. I could feel tears start to slip out my eyes.

"Stop." I let a few tears slip.

"Oh what a little girl. Did you not like the water bucket?" She smiled and pushed a little harder on the pencil.

"Please stop!" I curled up into a ball as best as I could to be looking away from Tiffany. She was holding one arm still. The other arm was strapped to the table but they freed my ankles.

"Yea. For being so good we allowed your ankles free." Tiffany looked disappointed at me and slowly lifted the pencil.

"I was 'good'? What do you mean by that?" I was scared. Did I tell her something?

"Oh sorry wrong words. You will be good" at that moment she slammed the pencils back down on my arm and to add to the pain she used her claws too. She styles her nails to have long points at the tips. She used to pinch me with them when I was being bad. Sometimes I would end up bleeding by it.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Several tears ran down my face. My feet were kicking everywhere but Tiffany wouldn't stop. I could feel her starting to break the skin.

"Tell me a power you have." She said calm and slowly.

"I DON'T KNOW!" I screamed looking away. She dug her nails deeper giving up on the pencil.

"Tell me about your town."

"IT'S BORING AND NOTHING TO DO THERE." I spat out not able to think.

"So you have seen the town." Tiffany began to smile. "Where is it?"


"Ugh, you're still pulling that trick are ya? You know you can only be eight for so long." She pulled out her claws and brushed the bloody nails down my face leaving what felt like a cold drip of blood running down my face.

"What?" I asked confused.

"How old are you really?" Tiffany got closer and looked right into my eyes.

"I'm... I'm only eight. I don't know what you think but I'm only eight. You lived with me for my whole life. So you know. Why don't you believe me?" I began to cry.

"I don't believe you because I have been watching you for about ten years. Even back then you were 'eight' so stop with the act."

"Wh... What? I don't believe you! It can't be true!" I began to cry uncontrollably.

"Fine be that way. I will find out what other powers you have besides youth. Just give me some time. It only took what a week to get that you have seen the town. Give me a month and I will learn more."

"I... Have been here... For a week?" I was worried about Sam and Jamie and Alex. Surely Hendricks found out by now. But is there anything I can do from here?

"Of course you have I mean how did you expect me to get all this information out of you. Oh did you have friends who were going to save you? Oh how cute. You should have learned by now you, especially you, shouldn't trust anyone. People only want your powers. We will take them even if you don't know them yet." Tiffany grabbed my shoulder. "And no we haven't caught or killed your friends yet, but once we get a chance to... believe me you will never see them again. For now, though, your break is done. Time for you to break." She grabbed my ankles and strapped them down to the table.

The table began to move. I couldn't see where. A door opened and heat took the air. Crackles began to take over the noise in the room. The more the heat took over the room the more of a burning smell. I jumped when I finally saw the red and orange flames at me feet. I screamed and tried to get free but it was no use.

The table began to heat under me. As the fire licked the leather straps on my ankles and wrists, I felt the leather start to melt. I was able to wiggle a little. It was just enough to avoid the fire until it broke the rest of the strap. This got one ankle free. It was my left foot. I used it to push down on the right ankles strap. it began to tear and the fire melted it. the fire was spreading throughout the room though. I didn't have much time. I was finally able to wiggle my right ankle out of its strap. My left wrist was my next attempt. I flipped my feet over my head. the table lost balance and, without meaning too, the table flipped. I thought that would be it. I had to keep trying though. I put my wrists on the ground making the table straight up and down blocking some of the flames. I began to try and lift my head so it wasn't stuck between my wrists. This thankfully worked. With my head free, I tried to move my feet to help wiggle my wrists free. This was really hard to do. My sides began to cramp from the odd position. The fire was growing closer though. I suffered through the pain in order to get free. I had to keep hope. I finally got to wiggle one wrist free. I then used that hand too unstrap the other wrist.

Finally, free I tried to run to the door. It was already eaten by the flames. There was no way to get to it. The smoke began to choke me. I tried taking a deep breath of air. The air was being smothered by the smoke. This made me start to get dizzy. I dropped to the ground and began to crawl. I crawled to a random spot on the wall. I was in the only corner that wasn't eaten by the flames. The flames kept coming though. Nothing would stop the terrible beast coming at me. The heat was overwhelming. The smoke was suffocating me. I was done for.

I got as close to the corner as I possibly could. There was finally no place left for me to run. I tucked into a ball and cried.

"STOP!" I held out my hand in a stop position hoping that that was my power. But the fire kept coming. There was nothing left to do. I clenched both hands into a fist as the fire reached my feet. I tucked into a tighter ball but it kept coming.

I screamed as I felt the heat of the flames surround me. Then it closed in like a pack of wolves on a hunt. The flames climbed over me and I screamed but nothing could reduce the pain. the heat was too intense for me to handle. I screamed until I blacked out from the smoke.

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