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I opened my eyes. The fire was still there. It was next to me, all around me, even above me. It sat on my skin. The heat was intense but it wasn't burning me. Can I control it? No, I shouldn't try. If they notice now I have no chance. Stay still. But won't they notice once the flames lower? So what do I do? I couldn't decide.

I wanted to see if I could lower the heat of the flames without making them go out. I pictured a flame, then I pictured it turning blue like ice. No temperature difference. I pictured...

The door opened. I couldn't finish my mental picture.

"So you do have fire powers! This is amazing little Hope." Tiffany allowed the old motherly figure to show.

"Wh...what do you mean?" I asked as the same two men from before walked in and put out the fire.

"First, you didn't get burnt. Second, you did something and the flames turned blue. Who sees blue flames in nature? That was you doing it wasn't it?" Tiffany smiled her creepy and sick smile.

Once the fire was out two more people came in. One on each side of me, they lifted me up like I was nothing and forced me out the door. I kicked and screamed as much as possible trying to get them to put me down. It didn't help me though. It only made them drug me. Before everything went black though, I could sense a beam of hope. It came from a shadow.

With this hope I didn't care what they were doing to me I would soon be free. Sam and Jamie were about to come to my rescue. I just had to wait and not give them any more information.

When I woke up I was tied to a machine. To my left and connected to my left arm was a blood pack.

"Why do I have this?" I looked to the doctor by the foot of my bed. They were preparing a needle.

"You're sick honey. Don't worry this will make you much better." The doctor put some rusty orange liquid into the needle.

"I don't want to get better."

"Why of course you do."

"No I don't, put that needle down."

"I can't do that honey, I'm sorry." The doctor began to clean the spot where the needle will go.

"What do you mean you can't do that? Of course you can."

"I mean we can't have an eight-year-old girl hold the power of the world."

"But I don't."

"Sure you do. Everyone with powers can if they really wanted to."

"But I don't want to."

"You're all the same. Shut your mouth and let me just do this now, will you? The needle isn't the part that hurts. The part that hurts is the powers being pulled out of you. Oh, that's also the fun part, just you wait. And let me warn you now. The more powerful the power the worse the pain is."

"I SAID NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and it hurt my throat. I tried closing my eyes and picture a flame. Before I could, she stuck the needle in me.

"I told you I can't. Now hold still." The needle slid in the muscle of my right arm. The liquid felt warm on my muscle and then my right arm went numb.

I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. My mind was trapped in a cage that was once my body. I saw the doctor hold up a blade. She lifted my head to showed me her table of torture toys. I could hear every word she said but I couldn't say anything. Not even my cage of a body responded to her.

I felt the blade cut my skin. It was on my upper right thigh. I wanted to scream and kick her away, but yet again I couldn't.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek. Just for fun I pictured the teardrop floating up and drilling one hundred miles an hour into the doctor's cheek.

I felt something drop on my 'bed' inches from hitting me. I opened my eyes to find the doctor holding her cheek and looking at me dead in the eyes.

"So you can use water too? What crazy being are you? And while you have no control of your body? How are you not alien?!" She had a terrified look in her eyes.

I still couldn't move though. Nothing in my body would respond to me.

"How about we take care of your powers this way?" She held up the blade ready to stab it straight through my heart.

"We want her alive for more questioning." A voice came over the loudspeaker.

"But you don't need me alive, this kid is young and deadly!"

"We know... You are replaceable. You would have gone doing something to help the future of this world." The loudspeaker voice sounded familiar. I couldn't tell who it was though.

"It's for a good cause... Good cause." The doctor mumbled as she continued to work on me.

She stuck one glove-covered hand into a section she cut open in my leg. I thought I would die from the pain. I could feel her reaching into my thigh. She hit the bone and payed no mind to being gentle. She grabbed something. It wasn't a bone or muscle or anything like that. As she pulled it out it felt like she was pulling out my heart. I internally screamed. I felt something snap and the doctor flew backwards against the counter. Then my 'power' took physical form. It was a flame, but alive.

It looked like a little boy on fire. Yet he didn't mind the flames that ate him alive. Everything about him was reds, oranges, and yellows. He was hyper and curious. He ran around everywhere jumping off the walls and walking on the ceiling. The more he ran the more tired I became. It was like he was getting his energy from me. It was draining, if only I could have told him to stop.

At one point he ran too close to the doctor. She reached out and, with the blade, she was able to cut off one of the tips of his flames. I felt even weaker once this happened. A lot of pain flew to my arm. It felt as if she cut it off slowly while I was still awake. WHICH I AM! The pain took to my head and I could no longer think. I no longer knew what was happening.

The pain only went away when the flame boy went back into hiding. My cut that the doctor made seemed to have healed by itself like nothing happened. I still didn't feel as much power that I had before. It must have been lost when she cut the flame. Will it ever come back? Who knows.

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