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Before I saw anyone new, I was taken through a pitch black hall. I couldn't see the men beside me or my feet when I stepped. I had to trust the hands on my shoulders were taking me the right way.

I bumped into something. I'm not sure what but about a hundred needles shot through my toe and on the pad of my foot. I didn't want to cry out so I held my breath and felt hot tears flood my eyes. Now everywhere I looked the darkness had a slight shimmer to it. I was in pain, but the shimmering darkness was beautiful. Like a thousand hidden far off stars behind a black sheet of mysteries.

When we finally left the darkness the sun was too bright for my already flooded eyes. Causing me to squint and the flood spread down my face. No one seemed to notice though.

"Get in the truck, Hope." Todd looked at me and I did as I was told.

As soon as I took one step closer to the truck though I heard a whisper of wind in the distance. An ice cold breeze took over me as my feet left the ground and I was once again in Jamie's arms. I could hear the yelling of Tiffany and Todd behind me but ignored them. Something bigger was on my mind.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head by Jamie's ear. "Thank you." He was too focused to respond. I left him alone the rest of the flight.

Once we landed, Alex came to thank me for her rescue and Sam asked if I was okay when he saw my red face.

"I'm fine, I think. Alex it's all good. I actually learned something while I was in there."

"Like what?" Everyone seemed to ask at once.

"First, how long was I in there?"

"Only an hour or so. Sorry it took us so long to get you out. Sam said something wasn't right with the atmosphere inside there so he couldn't exactly go in." Alex answered.

"There was a force field or something blocking me." Sam said defending himself.

"It's ok. I discovered two of my powers and who my family actually is."

"What are your two powers that you know of?" Jamie spoke up shy but curious.

"I can control water and fire." I looked all proud with my shoulders back and a big smile.

"That's cool! How did you figure it out?" Sam asked not backing down.

"Well, they kind of slowed down time and tortured me until I had to use it or die. Then I learned I could use fire. The water wasn't until they tried to remove my fire powers."

"Sorry I asked." Sam said feeling sorry for making me remember those terrible times not too long ago.

"About my family I learned they are part of the anti-powers group. They are actually Mother Nature and Father Time. They, I think, are in the group in hopes to find my older sister Faith who disappeared. If they torture someone and get them to talk about Faith, then maybe they can find her. It's not working for them though. So I want to look for her, too. I want to track down my sister Faith whose statute is hidden in town." When I finished the last line Jamie's eyes shot open.

"You mean that's not you?" He was shocked.

"Y'all we have to tell Hendricks about this. He may let us actually go on an adventure together. Let's hurry on our way back." We began to move back but I could hardly put pressure in my toe now so I fell.

"What's wrong?" Sam rushed to my side.

"My foot I hit it against something back there. It wasn't that hard but I think after everything else today it just couldn't keep up."

"It's probably just bruised. Here, have Jamie fly you back." Alex offered kindly not knowing my fear of heights. Jamie just giggled remembering how I freaked out and had to close my eyes the times before.

"Let's give this another try." He opened his wings and took off throwing me on his back. Off we went. Into the sky as it turned black and the once cloudless sky brought in a dark storm.

The End

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