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The plot evolves around the life of the Prince of Stoicheion, the young Park Jimin.
In the wide Stoicheion's 
Nation lives a special population, gifted with peculiar affinity to natural forces such as: Earth, Air, Ice and Fire. The population is one, glued by the polytheist religion of Gods, by the marriages between each gender, by the monarchy and by the law, but the races are well distinct and deeply laced to their own history, and unluckily Stoicheion doesn't result united, but more like fractioned, even if under the King's power.

The Air population, otherwise called Storge:
They're easily recognizable through their silver colored long hair, which are, for tradition, kept long throughout the entire span of a lifetime by those people. Their eyes are, for the majority, a deep dark blue. They are the most sociable between those races, lovers of the family and ancient traditions, they're the most religious as well. They love to wear flowy dresses and light clothing in general, so that their bodies can still breathe comfortably.
They prefer living in open spaces, and windy regions of Stoicheion.

The Earth controllers, also named Philia:
they may have blonde to brown colored hair. Their eyes can be yellowish, but they're mostly light brown. Their skin is also tanned. They are conservative and ginger, but still sociable and really funny. They're the most aware of the nature around them. A peculiar characteristic of these people is that they often like to walk around on bare feet, and staying too long without touching the soil with bare feet makes them sick and nauseous.
They could live everywhere, but they'd prefer a place full of plants and nature.

The Ice race people, otherwise called Agàpe population:
They have mostly white hair, someone even slightly to the blonde/ivory side, with light colored pupils, from gray-ish to blue, some reports of the Census stated even a pair of greens in the genealogy of some families. The Ices have calming tones, distant with others and likely to be absent minded, they tend to be on the quieter side, but at times they can be very sharp and insensible. Lovers of mind interactions. Their bodies are incredibly cold, so much that their mere presence can get a room's temperature to decrease of a pair of grades.
They're mostly allocated in the warmest areas of Stoicheion, where their cold bodies can adapt to the hot seasons and weather.

The Fire race is also known as Eros:
Due to their impulsive and physical nature. They have dark hair in their genes, from browns to deep blacks, as well as their eyes, but documentations also reported reddish discolorations of the iris. Their fiery temperament has always been a burden to the rest of the Nation, and they have been slightly ostracized by the other three races, there's a kind of racism form towards this people. They're irascible and irritable, they use to shout a lot, and they like to mess with others. They tend to be extremely jealous and possessive, lovers of body interaction. Contrariwise to the Agàpe people, Eros people have warm boiling skin that could increase a room's temperature.
They love living at the most extreme temperatures, they live in the most glacial part of Stoicheion.

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