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This is the second chapter published today, check the previous one first!

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This is the second chapter published today, check the previous one first!


The story of Aethers has always been bound to sad destinies and harsh lives.

The hardships their powers brought to their owners forced them into horrendous existences and consequently either being tremendously murdered or becoming suicidal.
Most of them became suicidal.
For instance see Jimin, he didn't have a nice life, but he could bear it as long as Jungkook was there. And when he left, he jumped in the well.

Those Aethers who didn't get killed are technically all alive, cared for in the Erebus (to which we will come soon). They're brought there to keep them safe, otherwise they'd be taken by the God of Death, Thanatos.
To preserve them, Hypno, God of Sleep, entered their dreams through the water-well and tried to push them in, but an Aether can enter the Erebus only if he voluntarily jumps inside, suicidal enough than to do that alone.

To preserve them, Hypno, God of Sleep, entered their dreams through the water-well and tried to push them in, but an Aether can enter the Erebus only if he voluntarily jumps inside, suicidal enough than to do that alone

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As mentioned before, Hypno is the God of Sleep and Thanatos the God of Death, twin brothers.
From ancient times Thanatos has been trying to collect the souls of the Aethers, jewels of the human lands, but to do that, they need to be close to death or to suicide, in their deepest despair. Thanatos can't get close to them because they're half-deities, unless they develop a true desire to die, only then he can approach and take them, because they want to go to him as well.

All Aethers died before their twenties, it's just a given fact that they all had horrendous lives and so desired to die so early. Jimin managed a bit more just because of Jungkook.
Hypno lives in the Erebus (in the underworld), specifically in a cave from which the oceans come from, where night and day meet and switch. It's said his bed is made of ebony and that the cave is circled by poppies and other hypnotic plants. No light and no sound shall enter this marvelous paradise.

Hypno is married to Pasithee, personification of relaxation, meditation, hallucination and all states of altered consciousness

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Hypno is married to Pasithee, personification of relaxation, meditation, hallucination and all states of altered consciousness. 

She's the cause of the Aether's loss of memory. In fact Aethers forget everything about their previous life outside the Erebus, so that they won't feel the urge and want to go back and suffer more with their cared ones. If Jimin remembered Jungkook or his daughter, he'd surely want to go back, but since he forgot, he won't have this need either.

She has three children, Phantasos, Morpheus and Phobetor.

Phobethor, God of Nightmares: He's the least thing you'd want to see while sleeping, will take the form of your worst fears (he's not very friendly either)

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Phobethor, God of Nightmares: He's the least thing you'd want to see while sleeping, will take the form of your worst fears (he's not very friendly either).

Phantasos, God of illusions and fantastic/surreal dreams: He can appear in animal forms in dreams. In the Erebus, Phantatos appears to the Aethers in form of someone they really loved in life, aka: for Jimin this boy is a younger lookalike of Jungkook.

Morpheus, personification in dreams and God of dreams: He takes human forms in dreams, he's gifted with huge dark wings that resemble the night sky and consequently cause sleepiness.

Every member of this family makes sure the Aethers won't remember any of their previous loves and dear ones, that they live in a state of continuous peace and dazed state, happily.
That's why Aethers sleep with a smile on their lips, they're finally at peace down there.

Now, coming to the actual Erebus.
It's an island in the middle of nothing, cornered in every direction by the water (which is different from ocean/sea water, because it's not salty) It's as if they're in the middle of an infinite lake. In the middle there's the cave in which Hypno sleeps. Around is filled with poppies and other hypnotic plants that cause the Aethers (together with the Gods's powers) to be in a constant state of daze. There's also a huge purple three.
The sky is always dark, but bright of stars, and this world is made just to resemble a dream that puts the Aethers at ease.

The sky is always dark, but bright of stars, and this world is made just to resemble a dream that puts the Aethers at ease

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Right now there are six Aethers in the Erebus, Jimin included, and five deities, with a total of eleven inhabitants.

There's Charlene, female, Air and Fire controller.

There's Sora, male, Earth and Air bender.

There's Alessandra, female, Philia and Storge.

There's Letizia, female, Agàpe and Philia.

And then there's Aether, the first one, male, Agàpe and Eros in the same body, just like the newbie, which is Jimin.

One of the Aethers remembered in history is missing because he was killed, thus he couldn't enter the Erebus, she was only sixteen at the time.







Hope things are getting clearer!
Gods..this chapter has been sitting, ready to be publishes, since January. FUCKING FINALLY, SHIT FINALLY DROPPED

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