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<<October>>PART ONE

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Jungkook has time to jump out of bed and grab his dagger and pants, putting the last ones on and mouthing to Jimin a quick 'hide' before advancing towards the door of the bedroom.

The Prince balls himself up real good with the blanket, he's not gonna hide naked for the love of the Gods!
Securely wrapped up, he starts stumbling towards the wardrobe, crawling inside and closing it, while in the background the booming voice of the guard outside and his banging fists are loud enough to wake up half the floor.

>>Jeon Jungkook I'm telling you to open up, it's the King's order!<<

Jimin whimpers while making himself comfortable inside, shocked by the shout, that guard is passing every limit really, with which courage he has the guts to shout like that to a Royal Master??

After the hundredth knock on the guests' room The Prince starts wondering why Jungkook hasn't opened up yet, but he can't see a thing anyway since he's sprawled in between piles and piles of clothes inside the wardrobe

Jungkook is hesitating, his senses are telling him that there are six guards, three Earth controllers, two Agàpe and one Storge. Why would they send six guards to his door if they don't have bad intentions? There's no way that six guards are needed to escort him to the King or what, they are enough to knock off a whole Royal Master, if they had pacific intentions the King would have sent one..two maximum, there's something too wrong about all of this.

Jungkook holds tight onto his dagger, waiting behind the door of his bedroom, the important thing is that Jimin is safe and well hidden, that no one will find or touch him. Not under his watch, he would never let that happen without fighting for the one he just claimed as his own dearest lover.

He hears Jimin yelping at the sudden sound of the other door breaking, the guards must have intruded by now since Jungkook had no intention of going to open up

>>Mini shut your mouth!<<

He shout-whispers to the boy, the Prince must stay put if he doesn't want to get caught.

There's silence on the other side, Jungkook holds his breath, trying to hear what's happening, even the slightest rustle might be useful, but the knights at the palace are great fighters, trained to become war machines, of course they're so good at it.

Meanwhile Jimin searches in between the mountain of clothes for something to put on easily, which so happens to be a burgundy blouse he sometimes saw Jungkook wear, one of those snugly long ones that reach mid thigh, so he covers himself up with that, quiet in his movements. Unlike Jungkook, he's not able to sense the danger they're in right now.

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