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The heck not proofread

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The heck not proofread. Dang.


It's three weeks after the Aèras' celebration, three days into June already, and Jimin is still questioning a few facts, thinking and thinking nonstop about the last happenings. He places his head on his forearms, lazing around in the bathtub sleepily, then the boy sighs, ruffling his white, wet hair

>>Did we really manage to not get caught?<<

He mumbles to no one but himself, turning around and slumping inside the water with all of his body. He's still very unsure if to really believe that his father has not found out about his sneak out with Jungkook. He's way too aware of the spies than to believe that so carelessly. Maybe too accustomed to them to believe he's safe in his little mischief.
But it seems they are. Maybe no one saw, maybe no one noticed. He surely hopes so.

Jungkook? Jungkook and Jimin are still..still playing around together. With playing they mean kisses, but nothing more than that. Not even kisses passionate like the first one in October, never heated like that, especially if Jimin's in his Agàpe self. It's not like he's modest or something like that, it's just..it just doesn't get all over him like kissing Jungkook does in his fire form.
It's totally different, when the elder touches his face, or his arms, his shoulders, at times his waist..it makes him tremble in want. It's something almost uncontrollable for Eros Jimin.
For the really composed, sly Agàpe Jimin instead, it's something very very different. Jungkook's touch is warm, and his lips too are, and he's a very handsome man, but, that being said, Agàpe are not too into what implies feelings. This doesn't mean he likes Jungkook any less in any of his forms, it's the arousing that is different, the way he feels when he's being kissed or..things like that.

He pushes his head back out of the water, taking a needed breath of oxygen and pushing his hair back, rubbing then his eyes and face from the drops.
The bath salts have made the water very opaque of a light tint of white, milk has been added to the water, which only amplifies that effect of whiteness.
 In fact nothing that's inside the tub can be seen from the outside. The Prince looks down, playing with the bubbles, poking them and keeping with his long line of thought, as he recalls a conversation with Taehyung, the day after the Aèras.

That day Jimin woke up in his bedroom, not knowing how he returned there, when and why since the last thing he remembered was crying because he didn't want to go back in the first place.

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