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<<Unknown Date>>

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<<Unknown Date>>

Jimin cracks one eye slightly open, peeking on the world outside the Erebus finally.
It's warm and bright and...it smells of flames.

Jimin scrunches up his nose at the unpleasant smell, opening now both eyes and looking around, and then to his side. He's laying on something soft, and there's a dark haired boy staring right back at him with black eyes open wide, mouth agape and a shocked expression.

Jimin would express the same surprise if his Agàpe's face would. He only sits up, and the other grasps his face


The Agàpe shrugs the other off and shakes his head

>>This makes no sense at all<<

The Eros in front of him slaps both hands on his own face, looking at himself

>>Oh my Gods, you're my Agàpe version<<

>>No, actually, it's you who's my Eros version. I am Jimin<<

The Agàpe replies, getting up and dusting the grass off of his creme-colored tunic. Eros Jimin gets up as well

>>Bullshit, I am the true Jimin!<<

The two keep staring one another, and the Agàpe is the first one to sigh and turn the other way, eyes scanning the wide field of plain green grass and peeks of violet saffron crocus. He lifts one hand, seeing it stained of orangy-red from the saffron of the flowers.
The Agàpe frowns confused, cleaning the bright powder onto his tunic

>>Where's the water-well?<<

Eros Jimin searches with his gaze too

>>Uh..I don't know..?<<

Both of them lift then their chins, and surely there's an upside-down water-well floating in the sky

>>..Where the heck are we?<<

Eros Jimin whispers. Phantasos did say he didn't know where the exit led to, but..

>>No, the true question here is why the hell are we..split? Good Gods, this makes of us two different beings<<


Eros Jimin scrapes his neck confused

>>So now who's daughter is Angelica?<<

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