Arc 1 - Graduation

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(Y/n): Your name

(L/n): Last name

(S/c): Skin color

Warnings: Romance (Near the end of the arc)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I slowly began to wake up, my limbs felt weighted down and my senses didn't seem to be working. When I tried to sit up something stopped me, or more like someone. Fingers intertwined with my right hand and a body moved, as if trying to snuggle closer into me. I used my left hand to try and figure out just who was on top of me. It felt slightly awkward to feel around the body. Especially after learning that their pajamas were just a bra and my own blanket tied around her waist. Worried about making a horrible mistake, I just decided to lay there. Being blind wasn't that bad, especially since my senses helped me 'see'. It was more complex, but it was like I could feel anything living that was around myself. But when it was snowing outside, I couldn't feel anything. It didn't take long for the person to begin waking up. She slowly slid to the side of my body, taking her hand away from mine and stretching.

"Good morning (Y/n)" She said with a happy tone.

Once she spoke, I realized just who it was, "G-good morning Mei!"

"Did I surprise you?" She giggled

"You really need to stop doing that..." I sighed and smiled.

"Sorry!" She giggled again, "I got here early and wanted to ask if you wanted to go have fun in the snow!"

"I would love to!" I stopped for a moment, "But you know that I'm even more useless in the snow..."

Mei puts her hand on my cheek, "Don't ever say that about yourself. Even since I first saw you lying in that hospital bed, I knew that you'd always be helpful one way or another"

No one's P.O.V.


Mei would be dragged around the hospital every day after school by her good friend Angela. Even for a 5th grader, Angela's parents would always be happy to have her helping in one way or another. It was practically her hospital, just because her parents owned it. As Angela led Mei around the hospital, Mei stopped by a rectangular window. It looked into a dark room where a boy lied on the hospital bed. Bandages covered his eyes and the clipboard next to the bed read: "Unconscious for: 8 Days". Intrigued she slowly crept into the room, slowly closing the door behind her. Inside the room she saw the parents of the boy sleeping in the corner on two chairs. The mother rested her head on the father's shoulder while the father rested his own on the mother's head. Mei crept up to the bed and took a closer look at the boy. He looked peaceful, or as much as he could. Her curiosity got the best of her as she began to unwrap the bandages over his eyes. Behind it, not to her surprised, were two closed eyes. They were at peace, not in any pain. Angela crept into the room and whispered to Mei.

"What are you doing in here?!" She quickly moved towards Mei.

"Look at him, doesn't he look familiar?" Mei pointed at him.

"I think he's the one that the two brothers have been using for science projects" Angela sighed.

"Hanzo and Genji?"

"Yeah those two. Anyways that's not the point why are you in here?"

Mei pointed to the clipboard and Angela read it, "That's kinda abnormal isn't it?"

"For his age yes but Mei we really shouldn't be in here"

"Ok, ok. Just help me do something first" Mei pointed to the boy's eyes.

Let me be Your Eyes (Overwatch Mei x Male Blind Reader)Where stories live. Discover now