Act 1

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Scene 1

(LIGHTS UP: A small vanity is set down center in front of the main curtain as part of a bedroom for MADISON. MADISON enters)

MADISON: (sitting in front of the vanity, speaking hopelessly to the audience) I used to think my parents loved me. But, I've finally begun to understand their true thoughts. They despise me, disapprove of everything I do, all they do is yell at me and talk about how I'm worthless and will never amount to anything. The names they've called me, the things they've said to me, the wounds they've inflicted on me. They've hurt me so much I've started to hate myself. They've shown me that everything I do is a disaster and I don't deserve happiness. They've driven me to the point where I look at myself, my life, my decisions, and all I see is hate. (Looking in a mirror) I look at myself and see nothing. Not one thing, I am worthless, I am useless. (Slight pause, looking at the audience) Why am I not good enough for them, myself, or anyone else? Why did they push me to the point of self-destruction? How did I get to this point? To the point where I just want it all to end, where I just cannot bear to live any longer. (MADISON exits)

Scene 2

(CURTAIN opens)

(LIGHTS UP: A chemistry classroom is set center stage. All STUDENTS enter in clumps, MRS. HAMMOND enters the classroom. VICTORIA, ELLA, and ADRIANNA are standing in the back of the classroom gossiping)

(MADISON enters with SILVER)

MADISON: (talking to SILVER) Ugh, Monday mornings are the worst, especially if you go to Beacon Hills High School... I really don't want to be deal with this, (sarcastically) our favorites are in this class and I am really not in the mood to deal with them.

SILVER: (laughing) You aren't wrong, Monday's do suck, and (pointing at VICTORIA, ELLA, and ADRIANNA) dealing with them is always something. (MADISON and SILVER walk over to their seats and talk)

(Scene should now focus on VICTORIA, ELLA, and ADRIANNA. They are having a conversation that is not heard by MADISON and SILVER)

VICTORIA: (pointing at MADISON) Look who walked in.

ELLA: (looking at MADISON) Oh if it isn't miss pain in my butt with her little know she came up to me and Adrianna in the locker room the other day when we were (sarcastically) talking to Emma and she started accusing us of being terrible people that take advantage of our status to destroy others (laughs).

ADRIANNA: Oh I wonder what would ever give her that notion (laughs deviously). But, we don't (using air quotes) destroy people, we just (deviously) arrange for it.

VICTORIA: It's not my fault that we are on top and she isn't. She had a chance to be our friend, but she didn't take it. She's a little hardheaded but we'll teach her and her friends a lesson, won't we girls (turning her head from MADISON).

(Scene should now focus on MADISON and SILVER)

MADISON (sits at her seat with SILVER) Sometimes I wonder if they are okay in the head, they're always gossiping about boys, Teen Wolf, and bullying other girls.

SILVER: Yeah, they're jerks that think they can dictate everyone's life.

MADISON: And that's exactly what I need on my plate, (sadly) especially with everything else.

SILVER: What's going on? You have seemed a bit down.

MADISON: Oh, I'm fine, just stressed. (EMMA and AMELIA enter)

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