Chapter 20: Anniversary

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*Laurance's POV*
~5 Days Later~

It's September 3rd. Five days of my sister giving Garroth and I Hell. Cadenza constantly is pestering us to be flirty, cutesy, and romantic.

Thank Irene she leaves in two days. I don't know how much longer I can take her being here. Sure, she's my sister and I love her to some extent, but she can be a bit of a nuisance.

"Laurance!" My eyes fluttered open, and I saw a pair of blue eyes looking down at me, with blonde hair swinging lightly in front of the owner. I smiled at him, caressing his cheek.

"Hello, Gar. Why are you hovering over me?" I studied Garroth, who had his hands on each side of me. He was hovering on top of me, blushing slightly.

"Do you know what today is?!" Garroth excitedly said, a giant smile appearing on his face.

"Uh...happy birthday..?" I nervously chuckled, and Garroth playfully rolled his eyes.

"No, stupid!" Garroth giggled, his blush growing darker by the minute. "It's our one week anniversary."

Garroth was so excited, and it was clearly shown in his expressions. I smiled softly at him.

"It's already been a whole week? Damn, how time flies when I'm with you, love." I gently pulled Garroth closer, kissing him softly. He wrapped his arms around my back. It was a soft, sweet kiss- but every kiss meant the world, when it was with him.

We pulled away, and I brushed my hand through his beautiful hair. His hair was so soft, I just couldn't avoid touching it. I may, or may not, have been secretly jealous of his hair.

"You know, Cadenza is in the doorway, right?" I inquired, knowing my sister all too well. Garroth's blush was an undescribable red, as he turned hesitantly to view my sister in the doorway. Her eyes were widened, and her mouth gaping.

"C-Cadenza!" Garroth jumped off of me, landing with his back on the floor. I had to force myself to stifle a laugh, at the sight.

Cadenza squealed slightly, shaking a bit. I rolled my eyes, hopping out of bed.


I held out my hands to Garroth, helping him to his feet. He got up, looking down at his feet, and scratching the back of his head. Cadenza regained her composure, clearing her throat.

"Well, uh...since you took a long time to wake up, Laurance...I made breakfast. You can come downstairs when you want to have some. Garroth and I already ate," Cadenza shut the door behind her, as she walked out of the room.

Garroth turned to face me, looking up at me innocently.

"So, what time it?" I asked him. Garroth chuckled, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"It's half past noon."

My eyes widened, and I looked at him in disbelief. "You're joking, right?"

Garroth shook his head slightly, nuzzling closer to me. I sighed, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"I've been trying for two hours to try and wake you up. I never took you, as a heavy sleeper. That's supposed to be my job," Garroth joked, smiling softly. I kissed the top of his head, holding a firm grip on him.

"So, what's for breakfast?


*Garroth's POV*

"Hey, Garroth~" Laurance sang, coming out from behind the door. I turned my attention towards him, setting down my game.


"Come here~" Laurance creepily said, startling me a little.

"Nope," I confidently stated, going back to my game.

I heard Laurance dramatically sigh, as he barged into my room. He came over to me, throwing his arms around my shoulders.

"Please~" He sang into my ear. I bit my lip, turning slightly to face him.

"Is this some plot to murder me, or something?"

Laurance chuckled, putting his head on my shoulder.

"No, love. I am not planning to murder you. Can you please come with me. I have something to show you."

I sighed, setting my game back down. Laurance stood up, and I followed suit. He grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my room door.

He dragged me all the way downstairs, and into the Living Room. I gasped, looking at the beautiful set-up.

The coffee table had a cloth thrown over it, with one of our vases set in the center. Two plates of my favourite meals, were set down on top of it. Soft music was playing in the room, coming from the stereo. I turned to look at Laurance, who was smiling sweetly.

"Happy One Week Anniversary, love."

"Laurance..," my voice was small, as I slightly staggered through the beautiful room.

"I managed to convince Cadenza to visit with Aphmau, so we got the house to ourselves. So that means..," Laurance trailed off, lacing his arm with mine.

Like the gentleman he was, he walked with me over to the couch. He gestured me to take a seat, in which I did. He sat beside me, taking my hand once more.

"You are way too sweet to me, Laurance," I looked up at him. Laurance gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I try my best, love."



When are we going to tell your family about us?" Laurance asked, out of the blue. I set down my fork, sighing.

"I don't about, after Cadenza leaves? It'll give me more time to prepare myself. And, I only want to tell my brothers, for the time being. I'm not at all ready to tell my parents."

"I understand, love," Laurance nodded, lifting up my chin with his finger.

He gave me a sweet kiss, moving his hands to my back. I held him close to me, giving into the kiss instantly. We moved with each other, closing our eyes. We both stayed like that for a moment, before having to pull apart. I opened my eyes, staring into his handsome blue eyes.

"T-thank you, Laurance..."

"For what? Being an amazing kisser?" Laurance joked pulling me even closer to him.

"No...well that, too...but... Thank you, for being there for me. It means more to me, than you could ever know. You've helped me through so much. So, again, thank you."

"No, thank you, love. You are special, and mean the world to me. So, thank you for making everything worth it."

We embraced each other, smiling sweetly. He held me close to his chest, and I hugged him tightly.

I never want to lose this...

If We Fall In Love... [Garrance AU] {Book 1} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now