Chapter 27: His Brothers

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*Laurance's POV*

"Hey, Vylad," I greeted, opening the door for Garroth's little brother. Vylad nodded, stepping inside. "Do you know if Zane is gonna make it?"

"Yeah, he'll be here soon. Thanks for inviting me."

"You're welcome. It's good to see you again. It's been a while."


I lead Vylad over to the couch, to sit. We had some small talk, up until there was a knock at the door.

"Door's open!" I called, assuming it was either Garroth or Zane.

The door opened, and Garroth's other brother, Zane, stepped in. He looked at Vylad and I, narrowing his bright blue eye at us.

"Why in the name of Irene, did Little Laurance call me here?" Zane crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently.

I rolled my eyes, smirking at him. "I'll tell you in a little bit, once Garroth gets here. Come, sit next to us."

Zane glared at me for a moment, before dropping his arms to his sides. He sighed, trudging over to Vylad and I. He hesitantly plopped down on the couch, as far away from me as he could manage. I rolled my eyes once more, continuing conversation with Vylad.

Where is Garroth? He's been out with Gene for so long.

"So, what's Garroth doing?" Vylad asked me, as if he had read my mind.

"He's...out. With a friend," I bit my lip, choosing my words carefully. Vylad nodded, looking over at Zane.

"Hey, big brother. It's been a while. How are you?"

"I'm fine," Zane answered bluntly, looking away.

I'd be concerned, if this wasn't how Zane acted normally. Instead, I just continued more small talk with Vylad. After what seemed like an eternity, there was another knock at the door.

You better be home, Garroth...

I swung open the front door, to see the blonde I was expecting. His arms were crossed, and he was tapping his foot impatiently. My heart hurt a little.

"Garroth," I greeted, emotionless. Garroth nodded in acknowledgement, playing with his fingers. "Why were you gone for so long?"

"Does it matter? It's not like you're my parent, and I'm some rebellious teen."

"Maybe not, but that's how you're making it! You're the one acting like a child!"

"At least I'm not being over-protective!" Garroth snapped at me.

"Is something going on over here?" Vylad appeared from the side of me, a concerned look playing on his face.

I looked at Garroth, who had dropped his arms to the side. He bit his lip, slipping past me.

"Vylad, when in the name of Irene did you get here?"

"About an hour ago, actually," I answered for Vylad. "We've been waiting for you to get home."

"I'm here, too!" Zane called from the couch.

I crossed my arms, turning to Garroth. His face was red, most likely from embarrassment.

"Your brothers are here. Know what today is?" Garroth shook his head, and I furrowed my brows at him. "It's the day Vylad returned home. And you remember what you promised me?"

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