Chapter 18: Cupcakes

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*Laurance's POV*

"You two, are actually dating. This isn't some really big prank?" Dante questioned us.

I looked to Garroth, and he nodded at them. When I turned back to Dante and Travis, both had large smiles on their faces.

"It's about time you two got together," Travis crossed his arms, leaning back on the couch.

"Huh?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Most of our friend group has been wanting you two to get together, since...forever," Travis explained. Garroth shifted slightly in his seat, toying with the necklace.

"Seriously?" I questioned. Garroth laid his head on my shoulder, still playing with his necklace, and staring at the floor.

"Yeah. Especially, Aphmau, me, Dante, and Vylad," Travis smirked, nodding to Dante. Dante still had a stupid grin on his face.

"Welp. Here we are now."

I laid my head on top of Garroth's, his blonde hair brushing against my cheek.

"Can you guys kiss again? I missed it before," Travis rested his chin on his palms.

Garroth looked up at me, with his gorgeous cyan eyes. All emotions were stripped from his face.

"Just one kiss?" Garroth spoke in such a soft voice, that made my heart melt.

"As much as you would like," Dante was grinning as big as his ego.

"Fine," Garroth muttered, sitting up. "But! One, you can't say anything about this to anyone. Two, no more pestering us. And three, buy us a whole box of cupcakes.''

"You're asking a lot of us, bro," Travis dramatically sighed, nodding. "Alright, deal."

Garroth turned himself to face me. I felt completely awkward. As much as I loved kissing Garroth, it was uncomfortable to do while others were watching. That's why I was a bit iffy, during our kiss at the party.

I placed my hands at the sides of Garroth's head. I quickly pulled our faces together, our lips meeting. He kissed back almost instantly, and he wrapped his hands around my neck.

That wonderful feeling came back in my chest, and I could feel my heart pounding faster. Without remembering Dante and Travis were here, I deepened the kiss. Time almost seemed to slow, as we continued to kiss.

We eventually released, and the feeling of bliss I felt was instantly gone- once I realized Idiot #1 and Idiot #2 were still here. Garroth and I let go of each other, turning back to face Travis and Dante.

Both of them had their mouths gaping, and looked like they were in a state of shock.

"Okay, I get why Travis is shocked, because he missed it the first time. But, why are you shocked, Dante?" I shook my finger at both of them. Dante's mouth contortioned into a grin once more.

"Because you two got really intimate," Dante snickered. I rolled my eyes, leaning back on the couch.

"Oh, shut up."


*Garroth's POV*

"YES, MORE CUPCAKES!" I held the box of the delicious goodies above my head. Laurance walked beside me, holding his head in his hands.

"Oh my Irene, Garroth. Don't go eating all of them, okay?" Laurance chuckled slightly. I rolled my eyes at him, moving the box to in front of me. "What's the deal with your family and sweets?"

"Well, Mommy made us a lot of variations of treats, when Zane, Vylad, and I were younger. Even though nothing can top Mommy's sweets."

"Is that so?" Laurance moved his hands to his hip.

I giggled, walking up the porch stairs of our house.

"Yup! Mommy is an excellent baker. The best," I giggled a bit more.

Laurance rolled his eyes, hoisting himself onto the porch railing. I put the cupcake box on our porch table, taking two cupcakes. I handed one to Laurance, and he helped me up onto the railing.

"I can't believe Dante and Travis actually bought us more cupcakes." Laurance studied the cupcake intently, before biting into it.

"At least they kept true to their word on one of the promises. Let's hope they keep it on the others..," I muttered, biting into my own cupcake.

"Hey, Garroth..?" I turned to Laurance, and he chuckled a bit. "When are we going to tell your brothers, and my sister, about us being together..?"

I sighed, looking down a bit. "I guess we can tell them, whenever we see them next."

"Excellent," Laurance chuckled once more. "Oh, by the way, my sister is coming to stay with us tomorrow."


"Yeah, she's going to be visiting."

"Wow, thanks for the heads up!" I sarcassically said. Laurance smiled at me. I held my hands tight on the railing, kicking my feet, and rocking back and forth.

"Garroth," I looked at Laurance, whose smile had turned into a smirk, "you got a little something on your nose."

I tilted my head, and Laurance lifted up his pointer finger. He brushed his finger against my nose, and showed me the chocolate frosting that he wiped off. Heat rose to my cheeks, and I looked down.

"T-Thanks..," I mumbled.

"I love you, Beautiful."

"I l-love y-you, too..."

Please don't ever make me change that feeling.

If We Fall In Love... [Garrance AU] {Book 1} (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now