Chapter 15

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Ender teleported back to the others, carrying three cooked steaks. Creep was laying on the ground, lacking the strength to stand.
"Took you long enough." Spider sounded ticked.
"I'm sorry. I stopped to get something for her to eat." He kept one hand over his eyes as he handed over the steaks.
Creep chowed down.
Spider stood and sighed. "Ender, passive aggressiveness is a normal thing. I have it, Pig has it. Being unable to control yourself while in an aggressive state is not okay."
"I know." Ender uncovered his eyes. "I'm sorry."
Spider could see that he was still intolerant. "Please manage yourself."
Ender nodded and rubbed his eyes. "I'm not sure I was worse off blind. I might as well be."
Spider sighed. "Just keep your eyes to yourself."
Cave glared at Ender's backside. Creep stood as her health continued to regenerate.
"Don't blame him. I was purposely testing his tolerance." She spoke.
Spider sighed again. "Let's just go find Steve."
Ender teleported ahead. All the other monsters saw of him for a few minutes was flashes of purple and black in the woods. Ghast floated ahead of him finally and stopped him.
"Ender, this is not like you. Is there a further problem?"
He covered his eyes. "One of the overworld monsters is a traitor. Honestly I could beat the crap out of any of them without feeling guilty, and yet, I'm shamed for it."
"You are not being shamed. You are correct. One of them is not with us, but you do need to control yourself. If you were to attack the wrong one, it could be a hindrance later."
"I know, Ghast. I know."
Spider watched the two speaking. She figured it had to be about the traitor. She looked back at Cave, Creep, and the threesome. Any one of them could be the traitor. Or Herobrine could have been lying. Ender seemed certain, however.
She turned back to her overworld comrades. Which one was lying?

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