2// The First Meeting

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Veer walked up to the room to find a beautiful girl with dark brown hair wearing a satin gown of violet trying hard to put the hook of her necklace. He couldn't help but stare at her hoping she wouldn't notice him. His hope was shattered when she called onto him.

"Mr. Sneek-peek if you are done with looking at me for God's sake come here and help me, will you?", She said roughly as Veer emerged out from behind the door and walked in to the room.

"Come on. Put the hook of my necklace.", She said as Veer looked at her confused.
Who on earth would ask an unknown man to put on the hook of her necklace?
Nevertheless, he did as he was told to.

"Good. You are new it seems. What is your name?", She asked in a normal voice contrary to what Veer had thought she would be.
"Veer Chauhan.", He replied now standing away from her as she turned towards him.
"Oh. Anyways, help me down the stairs. I wouldn't want to fall.",saying so she placed her palm in front of her in an inverted position as though Veer was supposed to take it.
He looked back at her astonished and seeing no other way out he took her hand in his and led her out of the room.

I stared open - mouthed as Veer led her down the stairs.
Akhilesh too stared at them with the same expression. As Shweta got off the last stair Veer immediately moved away from her and walked up to me.

"What was that?", I couldn't help but ask.
"She didn't want to fall down the stairs.", He replied disinterestedly looking around as people, as specially men, looked at him anxiously.
Akhilesh was in deep and serious conversation with Shweta and then finally called upon to Veer.

"Get me a drink. Quick.", Akhilesh commanded as Veer immediately moved towards the drinks centre.
I kept an eye on him as he was making the drink. Suddenly he pulled out a small veil of transparent liquid and poured it in. It was poison, by my guess.
He took it onto the tray and walked up to Akhilesh.
Akhilesh slowly picked up the drink. As he was about to take a sip Shweta stopped him and took the glass to Veer's dismay. Just then she called onto me. I walked down cold sweat on my forehead. She handed me the glass and said,

"Shaurya, Why don't you take a sip? It's the birthday girl's wish. Please.", She requested.

I could now feel cold sweat down my forehead. I knew the drink I was holding had poison. I turned towards Veer who stood blank. Seeing no other way out I took the glass to my lips.

Before I could drink Veer pulled the glass from my hand and threw it down as the glass shattered into pieces.

Just then Shweta called onto the guards who were at the gate to catch hold of Veer.
"What did you think? It was that easy?! ",
Shweta turned towards Veer and said.
"I thought you were a good man, but well I was wrong! You attempted to murder my father! How dare you?!", She says holding him by the collar of his shirt as the guards held him from behind tightly.
Veer gave her a very intense and angry look. His eyes were red in anger.
"You need not teach me what a good man is like, Ms. Khanna! Especially when you own beloved father is a murderer!", He shouted back at her trying hard to free himself.
"Shut up! One more word from you and I'll make sure you are dead!"
"Like father, like daughter!", He said with a mock laughter.
"Both murderers. Trust me, one day I'll make sure both of you will suffer for all you have done.", He said looking back at her as though if given a chance he would kill her.

"Take him!", She said as the two guards pulled him but couldn't. It didn't take long for Veer to over power both of them and pulled one of the guns from the guards.

He pointed it towards Shweta.
"No one should come near me or else you will lose your mistress! ", he threatened. He walked up to her and pulled her along with him by her arm keeping her at his gun point.
Akhilesh signalled everyone to stop.
Veer moved out of the hall while pulling Shweta along with him as she cried in vain.

"Shut up now!", He shouted at her as he pulled her out near the gates while the guards and Akhilesh followed him keeping a safe distance.
"Leave me, you monster!", She cried but Veer didn't react as he pulled her out of the gates.
"Leave her!", Akhilesh cried but to no avail.
Veer was gone along with her.
Akhilesh turned towards me, red faced.
"Where did he go?!", He shouted at me.
"I-I don't know.", I replied truthfully.
He looked around frantically as he immediately pulled out his phone and called the police.

On the other side Veer had pulled Shweta into a taxi and was heading to our farmhouse.
"That's it.", Veer said as the taxi halted and he got off and paid the taxi driver. Shweta quietly walked in with him into the farmhouse which had not been opened since the last ten years. As Shweta walked in she slipped on something fallen in the ground and got her hand cut on a few pieces of shattered glass. She couldn't help but cry as Veer finally looked back at her. He somehow located the light switches and turned them on. Her hand was bleeding profusely. Sighing loudly, Veer walked back to her and pulled out his handkerchief from his pocket and tied it on the wound to prevent the blood flow.

Shweta looked at him, astonished. This was the same one who had pulled her out of her house on her birthday, caused her so much pain but now, he was tending to her wound.
She could not understand neither him, nor his motives.


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