15 /Not The Way It Looked

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Next morning everyone was at the dinner table and I was back in my beard and spectacles. Jaanvi was trying to hold my hand from under the table giving me chills. After some time both of us decided to stop our stupidity and concentrate on Veer and Shweta who were not at all bothered about each other. It was sure that Veer hadn't told anything to Shweta.

Just then the police inspector entered the mansion. I looked at Veer who himself have an expression of shock. I knew he hadn't called the police, then how on earth did they come?!

"Excuse me! ", Akhilesh shouted at the entering police officers.
" Oh what basis have you come here?!", Veer asked.
" I have called them!", saying so a middle aged man, exactly like Akhilesh himself walked in through the door.

Seeing this unknown person Akhilesh stepped a step or two back. His expression looked as if he had seen a ghost.
" You?", He said fumbling.
" Yes, me you traitor!",he replied in anger.
I and Veer have each other confused looks. Now who was this mystery man?
This mystery man walked towards Akhilesh slowly. Just then I turned to see Jaanvi, wait why on earth was she in tears. I had an icy feeling. Something was going on which was not known to us.
That man turned his voice to a whisper,a dangerous whisper and said,
" What did you think, I died? No, never my dear brother, never. "
Brother? So this man was Akhilesh's brother.
" Who are you, mister?", Just then Veer asked.
" I am Akhilesh Khanna! And this man is my brother Vishal Khanna, who thought I was dead!",he said in a loud voice.
" Isn't it Vishal?", He turned to look at the man we had thought to be Akhilesh all this while.
" W-What?", stammered Shweta.
" Dad!", Jaanvi said unable to control her emotions anymore and went and hugged her real dad.
" So, she knew it?! Then why didn't she tell me?! ", I thought.

Mr. Akhilesh Khanna,the real one held Jaanvi tightly. Just then Shweta slowly walked towards him when Vishal Khanna said,
" Shweta, he is not your dad! I'm your real father, he is only Jaanvi's father. At this Shweta stopped and looked at Akhilesh Khanna.
" Yes! Your beloved father is true!", Akhilesh said in a loud voice, in a commanding manner.
" So, you better be far from me and my daughter, Jaanvi!", Akhilesh said.

Tears of pain rolled down Shweta's eyes. She once looked at Vishal and then Akhilesh. Veer slowly walked towards her and looked at Akhilesh and said,
" So what if she isn't your daughter, Vishal had kept your daughter as his own, why can't you?"
Shweta and Vishal both looked at Veer in shock.
" SHUT UP! I DONT WANT YOUR ADVICE!" , Akhilesh replied in his loud and booming voice.
Then he looked at the inspector and said,
" Catch hold of all of them!"
Just then the police came and caught me when Jaanvi said,
" Not him dad! I love him! "
" But if my brother is not staying here I have no reasons to stay!" , I told Jaanvi sharply with a deep sense of detest.
" Don't worry dear, I'll get you a better husband.", Akhilesh said and the police arrested us.

We were being taken towards the police van. Veer stood beside me. He was with the inspector with hand cuffs on his hands. My thoughts were in dismay, how could Jaanvi even do that to me?

Just then Veer signalled towards me. I looked up at him and just then he begun saying in a loud and audible voice,
" Brother, now what shall we do of our huge property?"
I realised his plan.
" I don't know Vikram. God only knows what will happen to the Bharadwarj Enterprises. ", I replied in the same audible voice.
The attention of the inspector was drawn towards us, he said,
" You both are the Bharadwarj brothers?!"
" Yes, didn't you know that. If you want ... Well, we can help you out financially.", Veer said.
The inspector was in deep thought for sometime and said in a whisper,
" How much can you help, sir?"
"How much do you want?",Veer says in the same tone still walking slowly.
"Ten lakhs, would that be fine?",the inspector said.
"Why not?",Veer said and then continued,
" Do me a favour, take us to the Bharadwarj mansion and I'll sign the cheque for you."
" Of course!", The inspector replied pleased.

At times this bribe taking thing really helps, alright not our fault it's been since the eighteenth century or so.

Soon we were back in the Bharadwarj mansion to Vishal Khanna and Shweta's amazement and Veer signed the ten lakh cheque though he shouldn't and got us freed.

"How did this happen?!",Shweta asked Veer when they were in their room.
"Money.",Veer replied.
"You..You are so disgusting!!",Shweta shouted.
"Excuse me!",Veer replied astonished.
"How can you bribe someone..Are you a briber...", Shweta went on with this continuosly for the next half an hour while she was walking up and down the room explaining Veer his wrongs.

Veer looked at her for a while and then signed and told himself,
" How can somebody talk so much?"
After fifteen minutes of Shweta speaking continuosly Veer picked up the cotton packet from the dressing table which was under his reach from the bed and stuffed two balls of cotton in his ears and to his relief he could hear her softer and he felt relaxed. After Shweta's half an hour lecture on why is bribing bad she realised that Veer was relaxing and not listening to her.

She walked up to him. He had kept his head on the pillow and was trying to sleep. She pulled out the cotton balls from his ears and said,
" You are really so disgusting or you are just acting?"
Veer first opened his eyes and yawned loudly and said,
" I have married the most disgusting person in the whole universe so was just trying to practice."
Shweta gave him an openly expressive irritated look and said turning to the other side,
" You are very bad.. I'll go away from here.. I'll go to my Veer."
" What did you just say?!", Veer said quite astonished on hearing his name.
" I said I'll go to Veer! My real husband, Mr. Vikram Bharadwarj! ", Shweta replied in the same tone.
" But why?", Veer said in a soft voice, softer than his normal voice.
" Because.. because.. I loved him, I mean I ..I love him!", Shweta said and turned towards the door and left shyly. Unknowing to the fact that she had confessed her love to Veer himself who sat there dumbfounded, unable to say or do anything, shocked!

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