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Dahyun is early than usual today. She also doesn't know why she is early. Is it because she afraid if Taehyung is waiting for her? She doesn't sure. She is already missing in the morning makes Jungkook panic. He calls Dahyun and Dahyun pick it up.

"Hello?" Dahyun says. "Yaa!! Kim Dahyun! Where are you??" He asks. It is clear that he is worried. "Ah~ Jungkook I'm sorry. I already at my shop. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to leave you, but.... I don't know why I'm early too." She explains. "It's okay, at least I know you're safe." He says and hung up. Dahyun is shocks with that sudden bad attitude.

"It's because of that boy! That's why she wants to be early." Jungkook says and he can't be calm. After his anger decrease, he quickly get prepared for his lessons. Dahyun is a little zoned out while working and that makes Tzuyu worries. "Dahyun aa...Are you okay? Are you sick?" She asks. Dahyun snapped out and looks at Tzuyu. She blinks. "I'm just fine...I'm okay, why? What makes you think I'm sick?" She says. "You...look like distracted. What disturbing you mind? I'm here for you to tell your problem." Tzuyu says. Dahyun smiles.

"Truthfully, I don't know why but, Taehyung....He always here,--" Dahyun pointed her head, "--in my mind. I come early today because I want to see him, but....he still isn't coming yet." Dahyun explains. Tzuyu nods. "Who is Taehyung by the way?" She asks when she realized that the name was unfamiliar to her. "The boy.....The boy who only wants me to serve him." Dahyun says. Suddenly, her jaw drops. She is very shock. 'Unbelievable!' She thought. "Do you like him?" Tzuyu asks. "I think so...."Dahyun replies shortly. Tzuyu nods. "Excuse me.." A customer says, making them to cut their conversation.

Dahyun go to get the customer while Tzuyu is sneaking out by the back door. She has to do something. She takes out her smartphone and dials Jungkook's number. Jungkook accept it right away. "Jungkook aa.." She says. "Why? Is everything fine?" He asks. "I shouldn't disturb you at this time just to tell you this, but I think I have to tell you." Tzuyu says more like whispering. "About what? I'm not busy now, tell me." He says. "I think Dahyun, have a feeling for that boy. I think she started to fall for him." Tzuyu says. Jungkook sighs. "I know he likes Dahyun but, I'm not sure about Dahyun. Thanks to let me know." Jungkook's voice is weak. "Uhm....I have to go back to work. See you later." She says and ended the call.

Dahyun has waited for all day long but, There's no sign of Taehyung will comes. She suddenly feel down. She feel sad. Her mood is slowly missing. "Kim Dahyun~" A familiar voice greets her ears. She looked up and smile weakly. "Hi...You must have been so tired right? This world is unfair." She suddenly blurted out the thing that herself don't understand. "Huh?" The voice asks, feeling confused. "Hey, I'm here for you. Aren't you happy?" He asks. "You're right, I use to be happy with a boy named Jeon Jungkook next to me. But, why am I not feeling it now?" She asks. "Are you drunk?" Jungkook says. Dahyun looks up at Jungkook. "Am I crazy?" She asks. 

"No.....I didn't mean that..." Jungkook says. "Jungkook aa, It must be hard for you. I'll be leaving now. You don't have to protect me. I'm just a burden for you. Please forgive my father for taking away your dad from your life." She says. Then, she goes inside the staff room, leaving the dumbfounded Jungkook. She changes into a casual clothes. Then she leaves the Jungkook and Tzuyu. "Dahyun aa...aren't you too early to leave yet?" Tzuyu says to make Dahyun stay. But, she won't listen. Jungkook rush towards Dahyun. He grabbed Dahyun by her arms. Dahyun looks at him. "Who said that you're the burden for me? Without you by my side is more burdened to me. So, just stay next to me." He says. Dahyun shook her heads. "It's not like I don't know about your student talking about us. I don't want you to take all the blames for me. Anymore!" She says and harshly taking her hand away from Jungkook's grip. She runs as fast as she can and Jungkook is trying to catch her again. They are running at the whole town.

After going into a few isles, Dahyun is missing from Jungkook's sight. He feel so regret. So frustrated. He runs his finger through his wet hair. He is drenched by his own sweat. He looks like after taking a bath. Tzuyu gives him the green tea to him. She feel pity and guilty. She have to help Jungkook but, she doesn't know how. The least thing she could do is pray. 


"Sir, do you have any relation with the sister who worked at the coffee shop?" One of Jungkook's student asked after the class has finished. "Yeah, we are going to get married one day." He replied. His student nodded. "I wish you won't. Don't hurt yourself and don't let she makes you to obey her order." His student said. He was confused. "What are you talking about? Don't trust any rumors and don't even read it. It's not good for your brain." He said. "Well, sir...I just worried about you. I heard she is the daughter of a murderer, she could murder you too." His student replied. "Can you guys please think positive? WHY ARE YOU GUYS THINK NEGATIVELY!!??" He shouted the last sentences made his student jumped a little.

When he entered the teacher's room, they also talking about Dahyun living together with him. They were asking him to be careful. If he needs any help, they were voluntarily wanted to help. But, for what?? Jungkook's anger suddenly increases that he shouted to everyone he met. Making him out of control and he left the academy early than he should. He went to the coffee shop and saw Dahyun staring at the empty table in front of her blankly. Seeing Dahyun makes him cool a little. But, when Dahyun said that she wanted to leave him, make him angry again.


Dahyun was cleaning the table at the corner and she heard a group of girls gosipping about something. About 'Their Sir Jeon Jungkook and the coffee shop girl'. By hearing the name of Jungkook and the words murderer's daughter, she already know what is it about. It's not the first time for her to hear that. She could feel the hard stare from the student towards her. She quickly wiped the table and left. She feel like being stabbed. Twice! One, because Taehyung doesn't coming. Two, because of the student talking about her and Jungkook. She wanted to run away. As far as she can. But, to where? She didn't know and just ran away when Jungkook was chasing her.

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