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Yoongi pressed down the keys lightly as he tried to figure out a melody that he could use for one of his final pieces. It was no use, however―he had been inside the small piano room for hours now, with no sign of inspiration washing over him.

He didn't understand. Normally, the ideas would just flow out of his mind―like a clear river stream on a warm spring day. Today―no―since the past week, there was nothing.

Okay, maybe he was exaggerating. The black haired male had come up with a few ideas, here and there. But they weren't concrete. None of them appealed to him enough. They had no...feeling.


He wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to prove everyone wrong.

And he was going to do just that―once he had his inspiration, that is.

Sliding his fingers off the black and white keys for the nth time that day, he decided to go to the cafe nearby. Maybe some coffee was what he needed before he started working on the music.

He was beginning to feel a little sleepy; seventy-two hours of work with no more than five-minute breaks could do that to you. Not that Yoongi particularly cared at the moment―sleep was the least of his problems, really.

Turning the handle, the pale skinned male pulled the door open and headed towards the small cafe he frequented at.

He passed by many doors, with different sounds resounding from the other side of them.

The steady sound of the flute, as he passed one of the rooms, reminded him of the sea; the waves slowly rushing to the shore―the cool water washing over his feet.

As he walked a few more steps ahead, he heard the low, muffled harp. It made him feel as―as if he was lying on clouds in the night sky. He could almost hear the twinkle of the stars above him as the string instrument continued to play from his right.

With his eyelids starting to fall for the trap, he quickly shook his head. Sleep sounded so appealing to him, but he couldn't―not now.

Coffee, right.

He speed walked past the remaining music rooms in order to prevent himself from falling into a trance again. The dance studios were next―but they were generally quiet. There was no sign of life as glanced at each of them, with only darkness invading the empty space.

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