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The persistent ringing caused the ravenette to furrow his dark brows in annoyance.

He tried to ignore it, placing his pillow around the back of his head, and folding the two sides to his ears. He could still hear the ringing unfortunately; he groaned.

Who the fuck was calling him at ass o'clock in the morning? — Hell, the sun hadn't even unveiled itself yet, so who – who in their right mind would try and disrupt his slumber? Who—

Something soft made contact with his body just then, interrupting his thoughts. Uncovering his ears, he turned around to find Hoseok moving in his bed. The blonde grunted, before opening an eye to look at him.

"Will you get that already? — Some people are trying to get some well-deserved sleep over here, you ass," he groaned, still not seeming to be fully awake. Well, neither was he.

"You're not the only person in this apartment—if you haven't forgotten, i live in this shitty apartment, too," he remarked, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, unfortunately," the blonde scoffed, "and if you find this place so shitty, then I'll gladly pack your bags. Then, I'll finally have this place to myself – like I was supposed to,"

"I never said I was leaving, and this is the only decent place I can afford—and you know that, so stop being a bitch, Hoseok, because you agreed to this, too," he snapped.

They had both agreed to share the apartment, when they discovered that it was the only building in the entire block that had a vacancy. Fate had really not been on his side.

Of course, he would have preferred to have the place to himself, like Hoseok. But, that just wasn't happening at that moment, because he needed Hoseok to pay half, as much as he hated to admit.

God, he really wasn't the best person to talk to in the morning. Neither was Hoseok, as indicated by his violent tossing and turning. Plus—

"Just pick up the damn phone, Yoongi, oh my god," the younger exclaimed in exasperation, covering his own ears with his duvet — hey, his fault for throwing his pillow at Yoongi.

He slowly turned to the side table, his eyes still closed, reaching his arm out for the ringing device. After aimlessly tapping on the wooden surface, he finally felt his phone and grasped it.

Opening one eye, he glanced at the caller ID, and realised it was Jimin calling. Scrunching his nose in irritation, he pressed the green answer button and placed the device to his left ear, rolling onto his back as he did so.

"Jimin, why the f—" he tried to say.

"Finally! Hyung, what took you so long to answer?" The younger asked, practically yelling from the other end. Yoongi winced – why did the male have to be so loud? "Hyung? Hey, hyung, are you there? Hello?" The younger's peppy voice chimed in again.

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