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Apparently, 'out' meant the small café he worked at. Yoongi wasn't complaining though; he was going to drop by after practice anyway.

He raised his eyebrows as he watched the silver haired male walk to the counter with a wide grin on his face. What was he so happy about? Yoongi thought.

Dismissing the thought aside, he decided to seat himself down on his usual place near the large window.

It was relaxing, watching various people pass by, and observing their behaviour as they went on with their everyday lives - he never grew tired of it.

Like he'd mentioned before – he enjoyed people watching.

He sighed as he rested his chin on his palm, turning his attention to Jimin as he waited for the younger to arrive with their orders. Jimin was leaning forward on the counter, his left foot tapping rhythmically against the polished floor as he waited.

He was glancing around at his surroundings, until his eyes landed on Yoongi's. The younger beamed at him, causing him to turn his back to Jimin, turning his attention back to the view outside. Why was he burning up? This was unlike him.

"Hyung, I got you an Americano! I hope that's okay – I was going to ask you but then you walked away before I could so..." The younger trailed off, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Americano's fine," he simply answered before taking his coffee, and placing the straw in his mouth to take a sip of it. The ravenette looked back outside at the people passing by in silence.

A mother and son walked past the café, their hands swinging back and forth. He smiled faintly as he noticed the small boy giggle in joy, looking up at his mother. The mother smiled down at her son too, before making their hands swing forward again.

Watching them so happy caused a frown to be etched on his pale face. The interaction between the pair triggered a memory of himself and his mother. They would always go on walks like that from time to time, enjoying each other's company.

She always knew how to make him feel better – happier. He never understood how, but he never felt the need to question it either. She was his mother after all; of course, she'd know what made him smile.

Just watching her smile brightly brought a smile on his own face. It's fascinating how someone's smile can have such an effect on other people.

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