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He was getting tired of waiting. It had been almost half an hour—where was Park Jimin?

Tapping the wooden cover of the grand piano with his left hand, his right hand placed under his chin, he waited the younger male's arrival.

Yoongi had wanted to bombard the younger with angry text messages, but he couldn't, realising that he didn't have Jimin's number. He would need to retrieve it today. That is, if the brat came.

A pair of hurried footsteps grew louder, until they reached outside the music room Yoongi was in.

A pause.

Then, a hesitant knock. Yoongi swivelled around fully to face the door, ready to reprimand Park Jimin about punctuality.

"Come in." He commanded, to which the person on the other side obeyed as the door slowly squeaked open. Yoongi winced at the high pitched sound; they really needed to fix that door.

A head of silver hair peaked inside and looked at him, a sheepish smile on his face.

"Hey, hyung..." The younger trailed off, looking at anywhere but at Yoongi. Yoongi glared at the silver haired male; he didn't want to waste any more time.

"Are you just going to hover by the door, or come inside so we can start already?" He snapped, and Yoongi noticed that the younger flinched back slightly at the tone.

Well, he deserved it.

Jimin entered inside and silently closed the door behind—well, as silently as he could, considering the squeaky door hinges.

"You're 35—no, 36 minutes, 02 seconds late." Yoongi stated in a reprimanding tone, glancing from his watch to the younger.

"I'm really, really, really sorry, hyung! I swear I didn't mean to, I—I was even going to get out of my apartment an hour early so that I could make sure I was here before four—really! But, then Tae got home soaking wet, and so I helped him get to bed—it doesn't take him long to fall asleep, so I waited. I got out on time, and caught the bus here, and I would have definitely made it here on time—but the bus chose to break down halfway through and since I couldn't afford to lose anymore time, I ran the way here! I really am sorry hyung—I've just—I've never had the best luck when it comes to public transport. One time, I lost all of my belongings on the train on the way to Busan, and—"

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