Chapter 03: The Stalker

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TW: mild description of sexual assault

The moment I get home, I head to my room. Homework papers that I had stacked on the desk now litter the floor. I sigh and bend down to pick them up.

"I guess Dad forgot to close the window," I mutter to myself. "I should start locking my door. I don't like him going through my stuff."

The wind picks up and my attention drifts back to the window. I walk over to close it when I realize the view outside is too clear. I stop.

"Dad!" I call out. "Dad!"

"I'm in the study!" he yells back.

I follow his voice quickly. "Hey, Dad, what did you do with my window screen when you were in my room earlier?"

"What are you talking about?" he asks, his eyes never leaving his computer screen. "I wasn't in your room today."

"Well, then who was?"

"No one. I've been alone in the house ever since you left."

The only thing I hear in those next couple of seconds is my rapidly increasing heartbeat thumping in my chest. I zone out. My stalker. I don't know how, but he has found me. He's found where I live.

When I zone back in, my dad is standing in front of me. He holds my shoulder with one hand and snaps his fingers with the other in front of my face.

"Raiden! Snap out of it!"

"Dad... The stalker–my room–"

He sits me down in his chair and hurries out of the room. I'm too focused on my breathing and heartbeat to think about anything else.

After an amount of time that I could not specify if asked, my dad comes back and kneels in front of me.

"Are you okay, Raiden?"

I nod slowly.

"Did you see him?"

I shake my head and he sighs. "What did he do?"

"Well," he speaks softly and rubs my knee gently, "he took the screen from your window and messed around with the stuff in your room. Nothing was taken that I could see. I've contacted the police already and they said they'll send someone over to look for fingerprints or fibers. Are you sure you're okay?"

Tears threaten to fall, but I hold them back. I have to appear strong for him. "...He was in my room. If I hadn't gone to see Adam, I would've still been in there," I whimper.

He stands up and pulls me into his chest. Once I pull myself together, I pull away.

"I need some air," I whisper. I push past him and went outside through the front door. I lean against the wall and close my eyes, taking deep breaths.

I ignore the sounds of a car coming into the driveway, doors opening and closing, and footsteps approaching. I focus on my breathing and calming down instead. My pulse has slowed down to the point that it no longer feels like my heart will burst from my chest.

The door open beside me. "Thank you so much for coming so quickly, Officers. My son is very distraught."

"Of course, Mr. Loeffler. Would it be alright to question your son while you show my partner the scene?"

"Yes, that's fine."

I feel a soft hand on my shoulder, but I don't open my eyes quite yet.

"Raiden, is that okay with you?"

I nod and he leads the second cop away to my room.

The first one clears his throat and I open my eyes finally to look at him. "Raiden, right?" he questions.

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