Chapter 06: The Attic

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A/N: Picture of Mrs. McAllister; Adam's mother

Raiden's POV:

Adam pulls the car to a stop and I finally allow myself to look up and see where he's taken me. To my surprise, he's taken me back to his house.

Where is the logic in that? For one, we won't be alone. His mother is always there in his business. It's not like he can hide me from her. This will be the one time I'll be so genuinely relieved to see her. There is no way she'll let him get away with this.

Second, when everyone comes looking for me, they're sure to come and question my only real friend. They'll come and save me if it even makes it to that point.

Third, I know that house like the back of my hand. If I ever have the chance to escape on my own, I won't have to spend a bunch of time trying to find my way out.

So, all in all, this is one of the best places I could've been brought to.

The car door next to me opens and I startle. I look over to see the driver's seat empty. In my daze, I didn't notice Adam go around the car and open the door for me. He leans down and unbuckles me from the seat.

"Are you ready to go, Raiden?"

I lower my head and glare up at him. "Fuck you," I spit out.

He sighs deeply, obviously making a show of restraining himself. He grabs my elbow and pulls me from the car. He slams the door shut and pushes me toward the house in front of him.

He calmly enters the house with my elbow clutched in one hand and locks the door behind him before turning around and calling out, "Mom! I'm back!"

"So soon?" Her voice drifts in from the other room as she comes to join us.

Now. This is it, I think.

She turns around and takes in the sight of me, unfazed.

I pull at Adam's tight grip. "Please! Help me! Something's wrong with Adam! Please..."

She gives me a hurt look and turns to Adam. "I've prepared everything for you. I'll be in the den if you need me." She turns to walk away.

My heart nearly drops. "No! Please help me! What's the matter with you? Answer me!"

She stops in her tracks but doesn't turn to face me. "I thought I made you uncomfortable..." Her voice takes me by surprise, weak and hurt.

I think back to what I said to Adam a couple of days ago. He must've already told her what I'd said. "That's not what I meant. Please-"

She refuses to listen and leaves me alone with him.

"You should be careful what you say about her," Adam warns. "She's very sensitive." He coaxes me up the stairs without much of a fight. I only have a little balance with the control of my arms and want to avoid accidentally falling down.

I note every turn we take as we walk through the upstairs hall. As long as I know the general area of the house where we're going, I should be able to make it out.

We suddenly stop short in the middle of the hall, several feet away from any door. He reaches up to the ceiling and feels around for something. I don't understand what he's doing, or what he's looking for. After a little more searching, he somehow pushes his fingers into a hidden space in the ceiling and pulls down.

I jump back, startled, but he grips tighter onto my arm as if he's expecting me to try and run. He jerks on my arm and I falter forward into him. He doesn't seem to mind and holds me against his side as he pulls down, what I can now tell are, retractable stairs.

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