Chapter 07: Guidance

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Adam's POV:

I sulked silently down the stairs. Who did he think he was, anyway? Acting so ungrateful. And after all I did for him, too!

I needed guidance. There was no possible way that my dad had to go through anything like that with my mom. Of course, there was no way I could ask him. I'd have to ask the next best thing.

My mom looked up at me the moment I entered the den with a sympathetic look. "How's it going, Sweetie?"

"He's not listening to a word I say," I mumbled.

"Of course he's not," she gently laughed. "He's in a new environment. He has a lot to learn about our ways, and a lot has already been thrown at him. Everything is a shock to him right now. After some time, he'll calm down."

She patted the seat next to her, silently asking me to come over and sit next to her. I begrudgingly did as she asked and plopped down.

"Did you ever kick Dad?" I asked, leaning my head against her shoulder. "Call him insane? Cuss him out for looking in your general direction?"

She laughed and ran her fingers through my hair. "I called your father every name in the book and cussed at him every chance I got. But no, I never once kicked him."

I sighed. Why is Raiden being so difficult?

"Aw," Mom cooed. "You picked a fighter, didn't you?"

"I guess... I don't know how to control him. How did..." I trailed off, not sure if she was okay with discussing those details with me. God, I wished Dad was there to help me...

"It's alright to ask, Sweetie. Without your father here to guide you, I know this'll be difficult. But if anyone can do it, I know it's you."

I nodded and she pulled me into her side.

"Do you want some help figuring out how to break him?"

I nodded again. She always knew exactly what I needed.

"Okay. Well, the most common technique your father told me about was rape."

"No." I stopped her thought short. "I'm not doing that. He already thought I was going to do that, and he got so scared... I can't put him through that, no matter what the circumstance."

"That's alright. You can decide what you're willing and not willing to do. I won't make you do anything. I'm just going through your options."

"I understand." I stood and walked over to the bookshelf with the picture of my parents. I picked it up. It was so hard to imagine this lovestruck woman was once as scared and distant as Raiden. It gave me hope though. If my father could pull such a strong-willed person such as my mother into the traditions, I was sure I could do the same with Raiden. "What else can I do?"

"You can hit, kick, or whip him. It's one of the most effective, but takes a toll on you too."

I nodded. "I'll leave that for when he does something really bad."

"That's a good idea," she agreed. "Next, you could threaten to harm his old family. On the opposite side, you could also tell him you'll let him see his family if he behaves the way you want. But of course, you can't actually let him."

My mind raced. There were so many things I had to remember. So many ways to get what I wanted, but so few I was willing to resort to. My mother assured me that once he came around to our ways, he would forgive me for all the punishments because he would understand why I did it. But I still didn't like it...

"But starving," she continued, "was the most effective technique your father used on me. It's not overly cruel, and you get your point across quickly."

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