Chapter 14: Cousins (part 3)

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Adam's POV:

My fingers tapped loudly against the table.

Was he okay? It wasn't really fair to spring the visit on him like that. And then I left him alone with a girl he's never met before! Maybe I could sneak off to go check on him...

"Adam! Earth to Adam!"

"Hmm?" I looked up at Thomas and the wild waving he was doing with his hands in front of my face. "What did you say?"

"Dude! You are whipped! You can't still be thinking about him."

"Heh, well," I laughed weakly.

"Wow. You're not going to get him to do what you want to do if you think of him that highly."

"I love him and I am not going to treat him like shit just to get him to submit. I know it will take longer, but he'll be wholly dedicated to me when it finally comes. Can you say the same about Jenna?"

He slammed his hand down on the table and stood up, ready for a confrontation. "Shut up. She'll do whatever I ask of her."

"What if you gave her a daughter?"

"I didn't." His eyes shone as he took the words to heart.

I sighed softly when it hit me. "Tommy, do you want my advice?"

"No," he growled.

"Well, I'm going to give it to you anyway. If you don't want to take it, then fine. But this will help strengthen your hold on your girl."

He sat back down and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down. "Fine. I'll listen."

"Thank you. If, by some astronomical chance, she has a girl, let her keep it. She'll have already bonded with it and she'll feel that you cared so much for her that you would break traditions to please her. But even if she has a boy, like she should, tell her that you would've let her keep it if it was a girl. It'll make her feel good."

He closed his eyes and sighed. " I'll consider it. ...Thanks."

"No problem, dude. You're my cousin. I would do anything for you, even despite all our fights and even though we act like like we hate each other's guts sometimes." We both stood up and walked closer to each other. "I'll always have your back," I admitted.

He pulled me into a tight hug and buried his head in my neck. "I'll have yours too, bro. I'm sorry about how I've been acting lately."

"It's okay." I hugged him tighter. "I'm sorry too. I know I haven't been the easiest person to talk to lately, but seriously. I'm here for you if you ever need anything."

"Aww, how cute!" We let go of each other and take a step back as my mother entered the room. "It's nice to see you boys getting along again."

"Do you need something, Mom?"

"Yes, actually. Tommy, sweetie, could you please ask Jenna to come help me?"

"Of course." We walked through the house and reached the trap door.

Thomas reached up, pulled down the trap door, and called up to Jenna without bothering to walk up himself. "Jenna, come help our aunt for a moment!"

She rushed down the stairs as quickly as she could without running. I let her pass me and walked up the stairs she'd come from.

Raiden looked up, slight worry in his eyes and on the verge of tears.

"How are you doing?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"I..." He took a quick pause to try and cover something up, but he was too slow. "Fine."

"You're crying, Rai..."

"I'm not." He ran the back of his hand across his eyes, trying his hardest to look brave.

That was my boy. My boy was upset. And I wasn't doing anything about it. That wasn't right. I took responsibility taking him in. There was an unspoken promise that I made to him, one that everyone makes to the person they choose. A promise to protect him for the rest of my life. He was my responsibility, and I would make sure no one upset him.

"Did Jenna say something to upset you?" Do you want me to say something to Thomas?"

"No!" he quickly interjected. "Please don't!"

I sighed, trying to show him my distaste with his unwillingness to share his feelings with me. "Rai... I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong... It hurts me to see you like this, boo..."

He sniffled once and cast aside his gaze. "Stop calling me that. I've always hated it."

"Don't change the subject. If you don't want to talk about it while Thomas and Jenna are here, then just say so. We can talk about it when they're gone. But I need you to communicate with me please... Will you talk to me about it later?"

He nodded, and I let out a silent sigh of relief.

I pulled him closer, caressing his cheek and kissing him. He jerked back, pushing me off. I grabbed his wrists and held him close, letting him know it wasn't okay to treat me like that. I was surprised he still didn't get that.

"Watch yourself. I will be lenient this one time because you're upset, but don't expect to continue getting away with that attitude."

He nodded sharply. "Sorry..."

His eyes darkened as he retreated into his mind. I let him for the moment, pulling him closer and resting my head on his shoulder.

A week here and he still had a problem with affection. That would have to be the next thing I broke him on.

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