Chapter 01: The Online Boyfriend

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Big A/N: Editing throughout. Changing mistakes, a name, and tense.

Ding. Ding. My computer lights up, alerting me of new messages almost immediately after I log onto my favorite online chatting site. A smile slowly forms on my lips as I read them.

JackMoto9: Hey, handsome.
JackMoto9: How was your day?

Raidenah17: Better now that I'm talking to you.

JackMoto9: Aw, it looks like we've got a smooth-talker here.

I chuckle, about to respond when I see that he's typing again.

JackMoto9: But no, really. How was your day?

My smile quickly disappears as I recall the day's events.

Raidenah17: IDK. Something kinda weird happened.

JackMoto9: Weird? Like, how?
JackMoto9: Something with your stalker again?

Raidenah17: Yeah...
Raidenah17: But how'd you know that?

JackMoto9: Just a guess. Want to talk about it?

Raidenah17: Not really...

He starts typing again, but stops short and deleted what he'd written. I imagine what he's doing. He's probably sitting at his desk like I am. The high window that he said seemed to show everything yet keep you hidden from the street, spread out before him. He'll be staring down at the screen, wanting to do nothing more than talk to me.

That's when I realize what a jerk I'm being. He's trying to make small talk, and I'm being difficult. He responds before I can.

JackMoto9: You sure? You always tell me when you see him. You know you can always talk to me about stuff that bothers you.
JackMoto9: I love you, boo! <3

I smile again. He knows I hate being called that. It must be his way of attempting to cheer me up. Trying to get a rise out of me. But I can't let him see it.

Raidenah17: Love you too, babe.
Raidenah17: And, yeah, I guess it'd be nice to talk about it to someone.
If you don't mind, I mean.

JackMoto9: Of course :)

Raidenah17: Okay. I was out w/ my friend, Adam McAllister. You remember him, right?

JackMoto9: The smoking hot, tall blonde? Of course.

Raidenah17: Haha. Very funny. I don't remember using the words "smoking hot."

JackMoto9: Maybe not, but something close. I'm sure.

I take my hands away from the keyboard and set my head down on the desk in front of me, laughing quietly to myself. I can just imagine his coy smile on the other end of the screen. He loves teasing me.

Two more dings made me jerk my head back up.

JackMoto9: Not hitting on him, btw; I promise I'm yours ;P
JackMoto9: But sorry. I changed the subject. Please continue.

Raidenah17: Nah you're fine.
Raidenah17: So I was w/ Adam, and almost immediately after he left...I don't know.

JackMoto9: You don't know? What does that mean?

Raidenah17: I just...felt off... Or something...

JackMoto9: So you never saw him?

Raidenah17: No... I just had this feeling it was him...
Raidenah17: But yeah, other than that it was a pretty good day. What did you do today?

JackMoto9: Nothing much. Just hung out with my friend.

Raidenah17: Joey?

JackMoto9: Yeah.

The conversation was slowing, but I had one sure way to pick it back up.

Raidenah17: Jack? Babe?

JackMoto9: Yeah?

Raidenah17: ...

JackMoto9: Don't play games with me, Raiden. What's up?

Raidenah17: ...

JackMoto9: Raiden Loeffler. Answer me.

Raidenah17: When can we meet? I've waited patiently, but I want to see you in person.

JackMoto9: ...

Raidenah17: Jackson Moto. Now, you answer me.

After a full minute without a response, I wonder if he'd gone offline. I check his profile; it still reads 'online.' I decide to say one more thing before signing off for the night. I've officially killed the chat.

Raidenah17: I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to upset you. I know you don't want to meet up quite yet, and I can respect that. I'm gonna go. Please don't be upset with me...

I sit back, ready to log off, waiting to see if I can get some message back that he isn't mad. I'm about ready to give up when I hear the telltale ding.

JackMoto9: Soon.

Raidenah17: ???

JackMoto9: Soon. We'll meet in person soon. I promise.

Raidenah17: Really?

JackMoto9: Really. And, no, I'm not upset with you. I just needed a minute to think.
JackMoto9: But I'll let you go now.
JackMoto9: G'night, boo <3

Raidenah17: Night, babe <3

I watch him go offline before logging off myself. He called me 'boo' again; it relieves me to know he isn't angry. It makes me feel even better to know that I'd get to finally see him in person. I can't wait to go tell Adam.

He'll be so happy to hear that. He's the only person that doesn't make fun of me for having an online boyfriend. He often encourages it, making me feel like I'm not an idiot for trusting a 'stranger' from the internet.

He understands that Jack isn't really a stranger to me. We know almost everything about each other. Everything, that is, except for appearances and exact locations. But that will change soon enough.

It always makes me wonder why he hasn't wanted to meet. We learned early on that we lived in the same town. I don't know what his problem was. Eventually, I'd just convinced myself that he was shy.

Either way, it doesn't matter. We will be together soon.

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