Chapter 20

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All I could do was stare at my best friend.

Why was he here? Why was he covered in scratches too? What was happening right in this moment?

Before I could speak I hear my name.

Coming down the hall I see Yoongi's father.

I rip my eyes away from In-jung and glance over at the man I had only met once.

"Is he okay?? Where is he?" I ask frantically, forgetting that In-jung was standing right Infront of me.

I don't get a response though as Yoongi's father spots In-jung.

"Sir." I repeat but it fails.

"What are you doing here?" He asks and I see In-jung flinch a little.

"I said why are you here!?" He yells and I, along with In-jung, look scared.

That is until In-jung's jaw hardens and he speaks.

"I was in that accident too. Not that you care. You never did!" he says, fists bawled at his sides.

"You're the one who hit Yoongi?" The father asks, teeth gritted.

"It wasn't my fault." In-jung says and I feel tears welling in my eyes.

In-jung was the one who hit Yoongi....

"If he dies it's on you! You'll pay for it!" He yells as he launches himself at In-jung.

My eyes widen as I stand there helplessly.

Security guards come and pull them off one another.

"This is why we left you! You're a good for nothing piece of shit just like your mother!" He yells as the guards pull him away.

Once he's out of sight my eyes wander over to In-jung who's standing there, tears in his eyes and nails carving crescent shaped moons into his palms.

"In-jung.." I start and his eyes snap up to me.

"You lied to me Y/n. You told me nothing was going on between you two." he says and I go to speak but he cuts me off.

"No! You told me you didn't have feelings for him. You told me it was nothing more than a boss and employee relationship!" He screams.

"Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave." the lady at the desk says but he keeps his eyes hard on me.

"I hate you. I never want to hear from you again." he hisses as he glares at me with a look that could kill.

With that he walked passed me, bumping me roughly as he did so.

I felt like my heart was breaking.

My best friend of all these years just told me he hates me and wants nothing to do with me..

"Miss?" I hear and look back to see the lady at the front desk.

"He's in room 315." she says and as soon as she says that I run to that room.

Nothing else is going right but Yoongi has to be okay.

He has to be.
When I got into the room I slowly pushed back the curtains to see Yoongi lying there on the hospital bed.

He had a busted lip and scratches all over his face.

His leg was in a cast and his arm too.

It hurt to think that In-jung had done this to him...

I sat down beside his bed and grabbed ahold of his free hand.

"I'm so sorry.." I mumble as I begin to cry.

We had hidden so many things from people and now it was all backfiring.

There had been so many secrets..

Now we have to deal with all of the consequences that come with it.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi. None of this would have ever happened if I had just quit when In-jung told me to. I should have just listened to him. Then we wouldn't haven't had to lie to your father. Then I wouldn't have lied to In-jung. Then you would still be okay. Everyone knows everything now. I lost In-jung, your father knows everything and he's pissed. I messed everything up." I cry harder.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry." A weak voice says and my head snaps up and I see Yoongi glancing down at me with gentle eyes.

"Yoongi.." I say, eyes welling with tears again.

"Don't ever for a second regret any of this. Even though my father knows now and In-jung now knows it doesn't mean I would want this any other way. I like you, Y/n. Too much to ever regret any of this. So please, don't regret anything either." He says and I squeeze my eyes shut and cry.

Even after all of this...

What Yoongi said put me at peace but all I could do was cry.

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