Chapter 7

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I didn't sleep much last night, I was basically ready for the day by the time the sun was up. To pass time from the boring blissful night I took a long warm bath, soaking my aching back from being stretched on the roof. My phone had a small scratch on the screen protector and I was just glad it was the case. I was extremely grateful for Colton catching me, yet it made me feel all weird, still didn't like him. He was just a friend, a self absorbed abnoxious friend, but he wasn't rude to me really. I sat on my bed all ready for today just writing until Lainey would wake up. The tan blonde girl stretched out of her blankets rubbing her eyes and doing a double take as she saw me already dressed and ready. "What? What's going on? You're up?" I smile at Lainey and go back to writing "ugh Zekeypoo is at Colton's, do you think he'll hang out with me once he's home?". This is what always happened with Lainey, she got clingy, and when I mean clingy I mean if it wasn't awkward she'd go in the bathroom with him. "Probably, Why don't you text him" I was lying, when you looked out the window you could see the three boys,looking trashed, laying knocked out on the bed, Floor, and one on the desk. There were more energy drinks crushed, a video game on pause, and,well, the room was thrashed. He definitely wouldn't want to hang out with her today, "well you look cute today, wearing my white shouldered blouse I see". Yeah I was wearing it, only because I needed to do laundry. The white blouse dropped to the shoulders and stopped right after the belly button leaving around an inch of my stomach showing. " yeah,sorry if you mind" I dropped my book and looked at my phone for the time. 7:00 Am. I looked out on the roof where I could see a missing blue tile in between two blacks. Slowly I opened the window and climbed out making sure when I moved each tile wasn't wiggling. Soon enough I got to my spot and I saw a bright yellow hummer and a Honda drive off. From the second story I saw Colton with his hair fluffy and tangled, the tall boy stretched out his arms in a yawn and looked out the window to see me on the roof. His face turned to a scowl and I knew it was because I was on the roof, come on it was daylight I was perfectly fine now. The boy shut the blinds and I didn't know if it was out of anger or because he had to do something, either way I would be seeing his tired ass later on painting my house.
"I'm going to make some pancakes" I said walking down the stairs with Lainey trailing behind me so she could watch more of her show on Netflix. "Ooo that sounds good fix me up some will ya?" I rolled my eyes as some drama filled show turned on. I scrambled the eggs into the batter and started turning the mixture into the fluffy cakes on the stove. The table was set by Lainey who really didn't want to do it but I held the threat of no breakfast. As we ate the pancakes I could hear something rolling across the wall, he must have been here. I ate my breakfast slowly taking my sweet time before Lainey would push me out the door, "Sooo are you gonna go?" Lainey said leaning over the crumbs of pancake I was picking at with my fork. "Go where?" I responded acting clueless and humble "I'll push you out the door and lock it if you don't go" I rolled my eyes and got up to the door. Breathe . Thinking of how I felt about last night was weird, like fuzzy weird, it was sickening, I walked out the door and within a second I bump into a blur of tan right near my door. "Well I was just going to see if I could talk to you" he says smiling and I can feel my face getting hot, that was weird. "Well I'm here" I say walking onto the lawn hearing him follow, "why'd you go back on the roof after last night?" He says in a more serious tone then when he first spoke. "You seem worried" "Yeah well you worry about me so I should at least do the same" he says cocky and I turn to the boy who has a grin. Near the house is six paint buckets and I look back at Colton who wears a white wife beater tank top and black pants. "Need some help painting the house?" "This is a punishment for me, not you" he says with a little bounce in his voice, "okay fine I won't help" I walk with him over to the buckets and he opens one and starts grabbing a paintbrush from the grass. The boy slides the thick tan paint over the house and I grab the other brush next to him, "I said you're not helping" he says laughing and I dip the paintbrush in the thick liquid. "I'm not helping, I'm doing the opposite" I go up from behind him and slide the brush down the top of his back. " oh my god!" I start laughing and he cringes his nose, joining me once he's done. He flicks the paint and I grab the can and tilt it " you wouldn't" he says seriously. "I would" and sway the bucket letting the paint fly through the air and onto him, the can is empty. At first Colton's face looks boiling mad, not as mad as last night, but mad. He stands there staring at me and suddenly a big devious grin spreads across his face which has little pieces of splattered paint on it, "I'm done being mad at you Chanel. Hah let's stop fighting. Let's just... Hug it out" my eyes grow wide and the boy runs up to me and pulls me in the embrace full of paint before I can try to escape. "Colton ahh " I can't help but laugh and we both fall onto the grass as Colton slips on a paint tray.

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