Chapter 11

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    "WAKE UP!" I feel a fluffy soft cushion slam into my head and I squint my eyes hoping it'll go away. "Your boytoys passed out on the couch, get him out I'm having Zeke over in an hour" I slide out of my bed noticing I passed out wearing the clothes from yesterday. My hair is knotted so I quickly tie it in a bun and look at Lainey who's all dressed and ready for the day. "You heard me! Get your boyfriend out and moms coming home later this afternoon so I'm serious". I roll my eyes at the PMS'ing Lainey and walk down the stairs slowly as I yawn, I hear shuffling from downstairs and see a tousled haired boy pulling at the blankets above him. "Hey! Mr.Heineken! Wake up!" I walk to the couch and rip off the blankets leaving an angry scowl on Colton's face. "Sorry man moms gonna be home later today and Lainey's bringing your friend Zeke over because she can't leave him for a day" I laugh as I sit down to the side of him. "Is my dad gone?" Colton says yawning, I look out the window and see a black truck still sitting in the driveway. "No. Um we could go somewhere to pass the time till he's gone" "okay". Colton seems dazed and I sit closer to him "I just want to apologize for any stupid shit I said" he leans in to me and I put my hand on his mouth. "Go brush your teeth then we'll talk" I say while Colton walks to the bathroom. As he was washing up, I had a brilliant idea, and walked to my room. 10 minutes later I walked out in a tank top, shorts, sandals, and a black bikini. Colton emerges from the bathroom 10 seconds later, and looks at me and what I'm wearing. "Where are you going?", "It's not "you", it's we, and WE are going to the beach" I respond with slight sass. I look at him in last nights party clothes and shake my head. "We gotta get you some new clothes". Sarcastically, he responds "Well I can't exactly get in my house now can I?", and after thinking for a moment, I say "We're going shopping. Help me pack some towels and some drinks". After running upstairs to retrieve the two towels, I come downstairs to find Colton with some sodas and water, "I know that you really like Root Beer and orange soda" he says with a smile. After grinning back at him, I pack the drinks and beach stuff in a bag, and shove him out the door. "Come on let's go already".

      He laughs at me as I jump in the car excitedly and pull him in the car in the passenger seat after me. "You're such a little kid, Chanel" he says laughing. I stick my tongue out at him and begin driving down the street. I watch him mess with the radio, and then he just has to stop on that one song. "MY ANACONDA DONT, MY ANACONDA DONT, MY ANACONDA DONT WANT NONE UNLESS YOU GOT BUNS HUN" he starts singing in the most girlish voice he can get out. The whole 2 minutes we are in the car, he sings the WHOLE thing, and right as I park, I turn to him he mouths with a crazy face "He love dis fat ass HAHAHAHA- hey!" I had slammed off the radio and said " That's all thank you, you crazy kid", and I get out of the car. As we are walking in the store, I immediately go into time saving mode. "Okay, so you need a swim suit, a tank top, and sandals, let's go" and I grab his arm and pull him around. I let him wander for a bit, and he jumps out from around the corner "BOO!" and held up the navy blue swim trunk, dark brown sandals, and white tank top. I smack him on the arm and snatch the 3 items from him and run away with them. It takes him 5 minutes to find me at the check out, and once he does, he snatches the keys from my hand and runs out the door, making me chase him for them. When I catch him at the car, he holds them above his head, and taunts me "Aw poor Chanel can't reach the keys" and I eventually jump up high enough to get them. I get in the car, thinking one thought. It's so not over. Locking the car doors, I watch Colton try to open his door, and laugh as he puts his head on the window and make the pouty lip so I open the door. I open the door and the boy jumps into the seat giving me the silent treatment as he buckles up.

         As we pull up to the parking lot I smell the crisp scent of the ocean and the high pitch of seagulls. I turn off the engine and look at Colton who's knocked out with his head resting on the window. Knowing he used to be ticklish, I wonder if he still is, and I poke his sides. He wakes up and starts laughing uncontrollably and starts poking me back. "Okay okay!" I say between laughs and surrender. We get out of the car and start towards the water. I haven't been to a beach in forever so the smell and the breeze feels great. Heat radiates off the golden sand and the sun sparkling on the water makes it the perfect day. I set up the towels and our stuff and start taking off my tank top and shorts, and look at Colton who is already in the water. I get to the water and it is FREEZING. I step back only to feel someone's arms wrap around me, pick me up, and carry my back towards the water. As I realized it was Colton, he carried me through a massive wave of cold water and puts me down. I give him a death stare, and then shove him over and into the water playfully and try to get away as fast as possible. I didn't make it far before he caught up to me and started splashing me. I soon felt his warm arms wrap around me once again only to be tossed into the water and be held close as I was shivering after.

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