Chapter 12

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We're driving down the 91 freeway when I can feel my phone buzz in my pocket. "Who's that?" Colton says keeping his eyes on this jumbled mess of traffic we're in, "Hailey texted me something about a meeting or something".

Hailey-"Hey I know it's short notice but next Wednesday the tennis teams having a gala. Feel free to bring a plus one. Kim's bringing her boyfriend Luke. I'm bringing Jason. Wendy's bringing this dude she just started talking to. Just wanted to let you know, I remember you have been talking to Colton. Anyway the galas at 13524 Mesa Grande way. Hope to see you there!"

      I definitely didn't want to tell Colton that Hailey thought I was talking about him during our match, but I did want to take him to the party speaking I don't know many people there yet. "So how's water polo been going?" I say as I text her back.

Me-"sounds great, I'll be there, I'll tell you if Colton's coming when I know"

     "Only one loss, it's going pretty good, but I'll tell you I can't wait to play Nathaniel's team again. I swear, next time I'm going to get back at him for what he did" he says tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "You were too mad at me to tell me what happened with you two at the time, want to explain now?" I place my hand on his arm and he becomes less tense. "Nate's known for playing dirty, especially when it comes to our rivalry. Right before I passed the ball to Luke, Nate swam up and pulled at my burns, opening them up. I swung at him and that's when the refs called us out". "What a dick! I'm sorry" I breath in deep and see the traffic begin to speed up, "He always does shit like that because he knows I'd kick his ass face to face. But enough about that asshole what did Hailey say about this 'meeting'" this was the perfect chance to ask. "They're having this gala to start off the season. She said I should bring someone" I state hoping Colton knows what I'm trying to start. "Hmmm, a plus one. Got anyone In mind?" He questions in a forward tone "I want to ask you only if you're okay with it. I know we're not really a thing and a lot of girls are bringing their boyfriends but-". "Will it have food?" "But- what? I don't know, probably" "Ask Hailey if they'll have food".

Me- random question, will there be food?
Hailey- yeah, definitely, we're talking to caterers right now

"Yes , they'll have food" I answer with a scowl on my face, "then I'll go" I roll my eyes at his answer. "You know I'm just messing with you! I would've gone just to spend time with you" I raise my eyebrows "it's fine I would've went to a polo gala just for the food" Colton's mouth drops open. "There you go again hurting my heart Chanel" he says laughing as he puts his left hand over his heart. We get on the off ramp of the freeway so I know we're about 10 minutes from home. I check my phone for the time and the lock screen reads 1:36; "so when's your next water polo game?" The landscape of the area around us gets greener so I can tell we're definitely nearing the end of our journey. "Well today's Sunday so Thursday, it's out in Rancho Cucamonga, if you're willing to drive out there" I smile "... Will there be food?" "MY GOD CHANEL IT WAS A JOKE!". "I'm just kidding, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Plus Lainey will probably drag me to it no matter what". I turn on the radio and scan for some up beat music but all that seems to come on is laid back "I can treat you better" "come back to me" sad music. I shut off the radio and looked out the window at the pretty houses with brightly colored flowers and bright green trees. The heat was horrible and I just wanted to go back to the beach already.  Colton pulled the car into the driveway and I got out deciding to bring everything inside later, Colton tossed me the keys and I slipped them in my pocket. Lainey came running out as soon as she heard us and she wore a frantic face like something seriously worried her, "Chanel oh my god" the blonde girl almost ran me over to get to me and Colton. "She's so angry. She's coming oh my god she was banging on the door all yesterd-", Lainey never got to finish her sentence due to the loud blare of music and a quick engined car speeding down our street. Oh no. The cherry red Mustang parked right at my curb almost knocking off its rear view mirrors with my mailbox. Mckenzie came out wearing this denim Jean jacket along with a white crop top and a pair of way too short shorts. On her face was this devious sharp smile and piercing green eyes, she seriously looked like the face of a sadistic serial killer backing her victims into a corner ready to wear their skin as bedazzled jeans. "Hey Colton" she turned to look at both Lainey and I with a grimace "Harlots" she says trying to insult us. "Maneater" I reply back scoffing at her insults, Lainey try's to conceal her giggles. "Colton, can I talk to you for a moment" she says with this smile faker than gas station sushi. Colton looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and looks back at her "Sure" they walk about fifteen feet away from us and I have this horrible feeling in my stomach like I had seen this somewhere. I watch as Mckenzie pulls out this paper too small to read from where I'm standing. Colton rips the papers from Mckenzie's hand and begins to read it, the boy looks back at me with this depressed like emotion and Mckenzie folds the papers into her back pocket. At that moment my heart sank, I knew where I'd seen this. As if it was in slow motion Colton's hands went behind her neck and pulled her close to him and the two became one. I could feel my eyes beginning to water and I knew this wasn't something my anger and fists could solve. And the funny thing was I didn't have much anger I was hurt, I felt used, like the words the Mckenzie in my dream had said. Lainey looked at me with her mouth dropped open and this hurt expression for me. One large salty raindrop like tear fell from my eye and rolled down till it dripped down my chin. "I guess I was right about you" I choked out and Colton looked back to see me run into my house, as soon as Lainey came inside I locked the door. As the lock clicked I literally fell to the floor leaning my back against the door bawling. I wasn't even acting like myself anymore, my mom came running downstairs in shock at what she was seeing;I hadn't totally cried since my dad passed away, and boy did I miss my dad right now so he could beat the shit out of Colton. I could hear the car drive off and a sudden but hard knock came from the door, I held in my tears and bit my lip to keep from wailing. "SHE'S DONE WITH YOU COLTON" Lainey screamed looking out the fuzzy Windows that sandwiched the wooden door. My feet ran up the stairs so quick I almost tripped and I locked myself in the bedroom "Chanel let me in!" Lainey cried as I searched through my desk drawers and pulled out the green covered book with a title I hadn't chosen yet. "Don't do anything you'll regret!" Lainey screamed as she pounded at the door I looked around near Lainey's watermelon candle and pulled out the lighter. The pages lit quickly like my heart had sank. When the pages were lightly burned I blew the flame out and climbed onto the roof where I could still see Colton knocking on my door talking to Lainey. I turned to the middle of the book and ripped the pages out in clumps and then shredded those into half pages. The hundreds of little half pages that were burned blew in the wind and landed on the yard parallel to mine, I looked at the cover of the book and dropped it into my yard. My mom burst into the room as I had finished putting everything away and shutting the window. "I'm so sorry honey, I never would have thought Colton would do that" I wrapped my arms around my mom and her soft embrace reminded me of when I was a child. "You know your dad had problems like this when he was your age. But he didn't do it on his own" she smiles at me and by now my tears were gone but I still felt horrible. "Yeah I know, he had Jimmy to be there for him." I pull at the comforter on my bed and wrap myself like a burrito. "Jimmy was there for moral support but I'm talking about getting Colton off your mind" I look at her confused as Lainey walks up to us "He's finally gone, but boy is he persistent".

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