Chapter 13

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I wanted to see him. I ached for him in my heart and all I thought about was the blood, the tears, and the son of a bitch who did it to him. I wanted to take a swing at him and show him how it felt, but I know that Colton wouldn't appreciate it as much as I did, so I let the feeling subside. Kurt was suppose to be going to trial soon for what he did, and he deserved it. Colton was at the hospital with his mom who hadn't left his side from the ride in the ambulance to the all nighter in his room, and the only person that wasn't there was me. Me, the person who he had tried so desperately to say sorry to multiple times and had tried explaining himself to.... And I didn't listen. Screw it I thought, I'm gonna go see him. I threw on some normal clothes and ran downstairs and out the door to the car. As I am driving, I got this weird feeling in my stomach. It was like I was nervous but excited at the same time because I didn't know what was going to happen. I got to the hospital 10 minutes later, and it took me 15 minutes to get to his room. I knocked and heard his mom's familiar voice tell me to come in, and the sight before me was so shocking that I closed my eyes and opened them again to make sure it was real. His dad. Not Kurt, but his REAL dad. Standing there next to his hospital bed while Colton slept. We all thought he left because his mom couldn't stand the different work schedules and distance anymore between them, but he was there! I walked over and hugged his mom, telling her I was sorry this all happened, and then I looked at his dad who was staring at me from the other side of the bed.
"I bet you don't recognize me anymore, huh?", His father assumed as he raised his thick eyebrows that were vaguely similar to Colton's along with the bright blue eyes, tan skin, and tall figure. Colton was like a blast from the past version of his dad. Literally. "Hey Randy, it's nice to see you.....H-How's Colton doing" I turned to the barely conscious boy with a line of stitches on his jawline. He didn't look the same, his skin was pale and his eyes were a dull wave of grey "You know you can ask me myself how I'm doing" he replied barely opening his mouth to speak. "Well I was actually taking into consideration how your jaw might feel Colton, but how are you doing?". "Fine, what're you doing here?", he looked puzzled as to why I came to see him still. "I was worried about you, is it okay that I'm here?". "Yeah, I guess so", he answers mopily. The silence that followed was so awkward that I couldn't stand it after 5 minutes, so I turn to Randy and Rachel, hoping to find some conversation. "Um can I talk to you alone for a second" I said to his parents as we looked back at Colton who had this look as if he could speak well he'd say "Really? Are you serious". All of us walked out of the room and I looked at Randy "Where have you been!? Do you know all he's been through!? He loved you!" I say pushing at Randy's chest to make him step back. "We were divorced Chanel! We had different lives!" I stopped and squinted my face tighter "Wait, were?" "We're going to try to make this work. I have a new job I wanted to see him. I ached for him in my heart and all I thought about was the blood, the tears and my main importance right now is Colton. And you are one to talk!" Randy's face gave this bold look "Me!?" I said dropping my mouth in shock expressionless at what began to come out of his mouth. "Where have you been!? You DID know all he's been going through and, yet, you still are acting like a conflicted middle schooler! He loves YOU, he has since he got old enough to know what love was! That is until the last twenty four hours when all this shit happened!" I looked at the ground speechless as what everything Randy just preached ran through my head on repeat. "How do you know!?" I said hurting and my chest felt like it was about to collapse. "Because, his face, that's the face I had when I had to leave Rachel right here" he says holding onto Ms.West by the shoulders lightly as she smiled "Now can we please go back inside! You're making it worse spending more time with us than when he needs you the most". I didn't know how to feel now, my mind kept going to what Lainey said. " I don't get why he's trying to talk to you after the Mckenzie thing. It just doesn't make sense". All three of us turned around to hear the door to Colton's room shut and I looked out the window to the parking lot to see her car. "I got to go" "Chanel, after that whole spiel I just gave you you're leaving? Maybe I was wrong", "Randy look through that window and tell me what you believe after that" I said tucking my arms together and resting my back on the wall as I displayed a deep scowl. The man looked through the window and turned back to me "This doesn't make sense. I'm sorry Chanel. I just don't get it" It was almost the exact same words as Lainey. "Yeah I get that a lot" I said biting my lip to stop thinking about it, "At least tell him you're leaving" Randy said looking back through the doors window "I- I don't know if I can" I yanked at my shirt nervously. Randy opened the door and I walked in with him as I could feel my eyes beginning to water, all eyes were on me, it was that feeling of being a new kid at a school and stating something that nobody in their right mind cares about. "Wow I've heard about them but I never  have really seen a male nurse. Anyway. Colton's good right now you can bring the visitor in later" I was flabbergasted at her remark and looked at Randy. "Funny Joke, seriously, I'm dying of laughter" Colton's dad held this bland face to her, "Out" says Randy with this peachy look from anger, like Colton had when I fell off the roof. "Say's who? You don't look that important" and that's when I knew Mckenzie had overstayed her welcome, "Randall West". Mckenzie's beady eyes grew wide from the Wake-up call she was just given, "I'm so so sorry. I didn't know it was you" Mckenzie pleaded almost on her knees, dirtying up her pretty white skirt "You shouldn't say that to any adult. Now. Out". and with that Mckenzie walked out glaring at me with her pissy expression. Randy looked at me smiling and walked out. "Hey.." I said subtly worried about his reaction about this whole mess. "Hey...". The tone in his voice was that of conflicted and slight unfriendliness. "I-.. I'm glad your parents are going to work things out", I say nervously. He just nods at me and turns his head to the side, staring into my soul with those blue eyes of his. We didn't say anything for awhile and I finally couldn't stand it. "Well, I had better go... I guess..... I'll see you later", "Bye." Was all he said to me as I walked out. Randy and Rachel said their goodbyes and went back into the room. Before I left, I looked through the window one more time, only to see Colton silent with tears streaming down his face. As I walked out of the hospital, thinking about his face as he cried as I walked out.

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