Chapter 15

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Sandra's POV:

Harry gave me a huge smile as we opened the car doors and headed inside the school. He pulled me in close and protectively put his big arms around my tiny waist. I nuzzled my body closer to his.

Every time he moved a little, I readjusted my position so we were always touching, he did the same to me. I loved the fact that there was no space between us, it made me feel loved as well as protected.

Everyone was gawking at us. Literally every person we passed had their eyes glued to us. I mentally cringed, I always hated being the center of attention. I peeked a look up at them.

All mouths were hung open and quietly whispering amongst themselves. Nobody had said a hurtful thing towards Harry and I out loud, I guess they were all to shocked to believe I wasn't really a loner. I mean, yeah I was, but I would never admit it to them...

I felt so loved and protected in Harry's embrace and for the first time since I walked into this school I smiled, big, happy and bright with all my teeth showing. I held Harry tighter as we neared my locker, I was petrified Chris and Zayn would be there.

I wouldn't be able to live with myself if they damaged Harry's face, or his body. I hoped that they wouldn't stoop that low and start to make fun of him for being with me.

The realization of what I just dragged him into slapped me hard across my face. Harry could get hurt because of me. He would get hurt because of me. The poor boy had done nothing wrong but love me and he was going to put down, just like me. He would be called names and pushed down to the ground for being with me.

I made a small whimper, as my hands started to shake. Harry is spun me around so I was facing him, one of his hands were on my lower back, the other on my cheek.

"What's wrong love?" he whispered so no one else could hear him.

"You're, y-you're going to get hurt because of me," I answered weakly. I looked down at the ground completely mortified for putting him in this situation. He removed his hand from my cheek and used it to tilt my face up to look at his.

He made sure I was looking him directly in the eye before he spoke. "No words they say, or punches they throw are going to make me leave you. I don't care if I get hurt, as long as I'm still with you."

My heart warmed at his words as I have him a small nod. He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed the top of my head. A tingling sensation was made from where his lips touched. I shivered a bit and hoped he wouldn't notice what he did to my body.

When he pulled away everyone was talking about us. I guess they all saw the moment Harry and I just shared. I was in complete shocked with what I had heard as I pulled away from Harry.

There were three different opinions of me being with Harry, all three of them left me completely and utterly shocked.

There were the people who were saying things like,

"Why would you date that bitch, I mean she is such a loser and dumb-ass?"


"Harry has no idea that he is with a complete whore."

That stung.

"Go get a room slut."


These reactions didn't shock me too much, I had sort if expected it.

Then next thing heard were of the girls being...jealous?

"Dammit, Skanky-San got the hot new kid."


"Harry is so sexy, not fair!"



Are they really jealous?

This reaction made me pretty happy. The fact that people were jealous over my Hazza, made me happy. Too bad he was mine, even though we weren't going out...

But what a few of them said really made me confused.

"Aww, they are so cute together!"


"They look so in love, I wish my boyfriend looked at me like that."


"Sandra and Harry are so adorable, oh my gosh!"

This was crazy.

I was pretty damn shocked. So many mixed emotions filled up my head as Harry continued leading me down the hallway to my locker.

We walked up to the one that was black like the night sky. It was almost like a canvas in a way. So many people had taken their time to put hurtful words on my locker, in a sick twisted way it was almost beautiful because, I felt like that those word really were me.

I was the girl who had been drowning, suffocating and pulled deep into the water. The whole school and my mother were holding me down making sure I had no way to swim back up, but Harry managed to pull harder then all of them. He pulled me up. He let me breath and for that reason I was okay with the words written on my locker. It's like battle scars, it proves that I am stronger than they think I am.

I shook my head and opened up my locker. I pulled out a few binders and books that I needed for my classes. I closed it and Harry looked annoyed. I followed his gaze towards Chris and Zayn.

"Harry just ignor-"

His lips were slammed against mine. We leaned back against the lockers as the kiss became more heated. He had both his hands next to my head, on the lockers behind me; trapping me. I wasn't complaining. Harry pulled away planting one last kiss on the tip of my nose.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zayn and Chris's gaping at us. I smiled at the fact that they were shocked, it was amusing. Maybe now they would leave me alone and stop touching and hurting me, since I was with Harry.

Harry took my hand and kissed it softly. He whispered so quietly against the palm of my hand, "Mine."

{This was kinda long to make up for the shorter chapter yesterday

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