Chapter 25

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Sandra's POV:

I wiped the tears lazily from my eyes and stepped completely out of Harry's warm embrace.

He could patch me up, he could close the gaping holes, but the cracks would always be there.

I left Harry on the bed and trudged my way to the bathroom. I switched the light on my fingers fumbling with the switch. As soon as it lit up the bathroom all the light started to sting my eyes. I squinted as I reached into the shower and turned the water on, making sure it was nice and hot.

I peeled my clothes off at a dreadfully slow pace. Blood had dried up and made my clothes stick to my skin. I ripped them off and had to clench my teeth together to keep from screaming. I groaned as I bent over to take off my jeans, a burn scorched my back as I stretched out the cuts.

A few whimpers managed to escape my lips as well as a few more tears. I grabbed the railing, literally clutching onto it for dear life. A heart wrenching sob racked through my body as I stood next to the shower, with just a bra on and my jeans halfway down.

Another ugly cry escaped my lips and snot started to drip out of my nose.

My whole body ached and was sore. I was so ugly, with more bruises and cuts covering my body. I was a disgusting mess. Absolutely horrid.

I was tired of being used as a sex toy and a punching bag. I was tired of having no parents to care for me and I was tired of fighting for it. I was just tired.

Harry came in so quietly and so fast, I didn't even have time to register his arms back around my waist.

"Shhh, I'm right her Sandy, shhh," he cooed into my ear.

"It hurts so bad," I chocked out my fingers now gripping his shirt for dear life.

"I know, but it won't anymore, this will never happen again, shhh," he whispered, kissing my forehead.

"I'm just so tired H-Haz," I hiccuped.

"Of what?"


"You can't give up yet San."

"I don't know how much longer I can fight Harry."

The minute the words rolled off my tongue I regretted them. I felt Harry tense around me, but it only lasted a second.

"Can you last long enough to meet my parents?"

"Y-your parents?" I sniffled.

"Yeah, my parents, maybe the day after tomorrow." I could feel him smile against my forehead.

Could I really last?

I nodded my head against his chest, and for the second time fell asleep in his strong arms.


I woke up alone in the master bedroom, under the soft covers of the bed. All my cuts were clean and I smelled clean, and fresh. I smiled a bit and checked the time. It was 8:37a.m, so I just snuggled my nose further into the pillow I was clutching. It was so peaceful, so nice not having anything on my mind.

I heard the door creak open a little bit and saw Harry's curls in the doorframe. I kept my eyes shut to pretend I was sleeping. I guess it worked because Harry closed the door and I heard the light thump of his feet hitting each step.


The next time I opened my eyes it was already darker. I slowly turned my eyes towards the clock, squinting from the brightness of the numbers.

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