Chapter 30

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wow I'm a terrible updater oops I'm sorry :/

Harry's POV:

My whole body ached and I felt like absolute shit. My head pounded in my ears, the light thud ten times louder in my head. The dull ache of being slammed into the floor, the piercing feeling in my head, the dry crusted up blood underneath my finger nails; all reminded me of the night.

How many days ago was it?

I can't remember.

I've been in and out of reality way to many times to count. An hour after Sandra's mother had taken Sandra, the police found me out cold in the living room. My skin was turning an ashy gray with a tint of purple and blue, from the lack of oxygen I was getting and the amount of blood I had lost.

It took 2 police officers to pry my head from the ground since my curls were matted down with blood and that blood dried onto the floor.

I was a mess, and completely unconscious at the time. Apparently that night Zayn and Chris were going to pay a visit to Sandra, not to hurt her, but to ask for forgiveness. They showed up at the exact moment the officers were going to take me to get medical attention.

So instead they offered to bring me there and they drove me to the nearest hospital within a matter of minutes saving my life.

I woke up maybe 2 days later? IV's stuck in my arms, a bandage around my head, stitches on my head, gauze around all the cuts on my body, but most importantly...alive.

The only thing that I could think about the moment I woke up was Sandra. My arms longed for her in them, I needed to now if she was safe. If she was alive. If she was with her mom, or did she escape? Has she been hurt badly? So many questions swirled my brain, making my very stressed out.

Zayn and Chris noticed my tense posture and asked what was wrong. I thanked them before I told them my problem and they said they would find her.

It's been four days now and I'm being released today. All Zayn and Chris have done is text me an address. That's it. No "she is alive". No "she is safe". No "we found her."


So even though I am awake, I feel trapped in the dark. After I sign all my bills and hospital papers, I finally walk out of the stuffy building. The sun burns my eyes, and I scan the parking garage for my car.

Zayn and Chris said they brought it back here because they knew I would need it. Once I find it I climb in and pull out my phone. I put the mysterious address in my cars' GPS, and just drive.

Sandra's POV:

I am completely unaware and unsure of how long I've been out. Has it been minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? It feels like almost no time has passed for me, but I'm positive it has.

So after who knows how long, I finally cracked open my eyes. Blinking feverishly to try to see clearer. My surroundings come into view.

Two faces appear in the doorway and I am tempted to scream.

Zayn and Chris.

They were the ones who found me? They saved me? They cared for me? Or did they just show up? Are they going to use me? Are they going to hurt me?

My heart pounds a mile a minute, and my hands start to shake. But Zayn takes no notice of that he just smiled the biggest smile ever and whispers,"You're awake."

Chris looks at him and they both smile the most innocent and loving smiles. I am so confused and I can feel a light headache starting to come.

What the fuck is going on?

I've gotten no answers still, they are just sitting there and they seem anxious, constantly checking their watches. I can't take it anymore.

"Where are we? And why are you guys here? What the hell is going on!" I'm so scared, but I need to know.

"I've been out cold for who knows how long and the minute I open my eyes all you can say is that I am awake? I get no answers, just you two sitting their? You are driving my crazy!"

I try to steady my breathing but I can't I am so confused and so mad.

"You can't even mutter one helpful word? Nothing. This is unbelievable! And I can't even fathom the fact that you two are here right now, what is that all about. Can't you see that I-"

My breathing got hard and heavy. Tears pricked my eyes, making my vision blurry. My hands start to shake again and I'm trying my best to stay still but I can't.

My heart continues to beat fast and is getting louder and louder. I open my mouth and then close it and then open it again.

Standing in the doorway is a head a chocolate brown curls and piercing green eyes.

"Harry," my voice trembles and cracks and the tears flow freely down my face.

He steps forward, and extends his arms. I step forward as well, my whole body shaking with the motion, and my stomach churning.

Tears keep streaming down my face and I let out obnoxious sobs and try to wipe my face with my hands. Harry doesn't miss a beat before he's holding my small figure in his big one.

His large hands find their way to my hair and the crook of my back, as he rubs it soothingly. His warm body engulfs mine and his scent clouds up my mind.

My Harry is here. My Harry is alive and breathing. My Harry is here, holding me.

I snuggle into his body tighter, holding onto him as if he is going to disappear. His eyes are cloudy too when I look up and hold so much emotion. Pain, longing, worry, but most importantly, love. I lean up and to kiss him and when our lips meet, I finally feel safe again. The sparks warming up my body and fizzing on my lips.

Zayn and Chris cough in the background and motion for us to sit down. So Harry pulls me into his lap on the bed, never letting go of me. Zayn and Chris pull up two wooden chairs and sit down across from us.

"We have a lot to go over...don't we?" Chris sighs.

(A/N: I almost have 40k Thank you all for reading it means so much to me! Thank you for over 900 votes as well!
Please keep commenting, I love your reactions and feedback!
School is almost over (less than one month left) so I will be able to update more frequently.)

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