Chapter 2: Heart of the Ocean

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The Luau was in full swing as Moana danced amongst her people, performing the ancient steps of her ancestors as she jumped and moved to the beat of drums. There were smiles all around as she twisted and showed herself off, smiling at her mom who was sitting in a hammock off to the side. Aisake was also watching her, along with his brother Orō, who was a bit older. Both of them were young and handsome in the firelight, glowing as they set baskets of fruits and meat on the long tables.

When the dance ended and there was clapping all around, Moana left the floor breathing heavily. Even through the loud beating of the drums, she was called to the surf. It was especially noisy tonight, practically screaming at her to come to the shore. Rolling her shoulders and picking Heihei off one of the small cooking fires where he decided to sit, Moana made her way towards Sina, and the tapestry of her Grandma Tala,


Turning, the young chief smiled at Aisake who approached her, beaming ear to ear, "you danced wonderfully,"

Sharing a honi, Moana smiled,

"Thank you. I knew all that practicing would pay off eventually,"

"Uh, do you want to step out for a bit? We'll take a walk,"

Moana's smile slipped slightly as she looked towards the sea. Aisake seemed to get the message and laughed weakly, rubbing the back of his neck,
"I see someone else has got your attentions for tonight?"

"I'm sorry, Aisake. I promised myself I'd go wayfinding..."

"I understand, Moana. Orō and I are staying to help clean up, maybe you can come help us out when you get back?"

"Maybe. Thank you, Aisake,"

He nodded happily as Moana placed her hands in his and leaned up, stealing a kiss from the mans lips before hurrying towards her mom. Aisake blinked and walked off dazedly as Moana hugged Sina around the shoulders,

"He seems like a nice young man," she said, unconsciously touching the tapestry hanging behind her, "handsome,"

"He is, mom. And understanding," Moana stated, dropping into the cloth and curling up as they watched the dancing, "I'd like to get to know him better,"

"So why did you turn him down?"

"I promised myself to the sea, tonight," Moana explained, looking again to the ocean where the waves crashed against the sand, "I think I need...time to clear my head,"

"If that'll make you happy, my little minnow," Sina said, taking Heihei from her daughters arms, "go on. Be back before daybreak,"

"I will. Don't stay up too late,"

Sina chuckled weakly as Moana stood and left the community fale, making her way through Motunui and down towards the shore. Here, the waves drowned out the distant noise of humming drums. The surf was wild tonight, reaching out and nearly touching the high grasses just beyond the sand. Walking along the coast, Moana knitted her brows as she was nearly knocked from her feet,

"Woah, ocean! What's the matter?"

There was no answer, only another surge of water as Moana stumbled. She couldn't wayfind in these conditions, it would be too risky. The ocean was obviously troubled about something. Moana stood and looked out towards the moon, only for her eyes to be drawn elsewhere. A faint blue glow was coming from the shallows, sparkling in the depths as Moana squinted.

Suddenly feeling drawn, and with the ocean pulling at her, Moana waded into the water. Before she could reach the sparkling object though, a large surge came over her, causing a scream to escape her throat as she became completely submerged. Panicking and kicking towards the surface, Moana couldn't seem to reach it as she was dragged down by the undertow. Was the ocean mad at her? Mad enough to try and drown her? Struggling, Moana was merely pushed farther down into the coral, shoulders protesting as a glimmering caught her eye.

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