Chapter 7: A New Voyage

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After her fight with the Rongomai, Moana wanted nothing to do with her new demigoddess abilities. She spent the next few days performing her usual chiefly duties, and keeping Heihei away from the cooks of the village. But every night while returning to her fale, Moana became disturbed at the emptiness of the sky. It had been this way ever since that night on the beach, and it was starting to worry the other villagers as well,

"We can't sail at night without the stars," Moana contemplated with a sigh, looking to the expanse of sky. Even Maui's fish hook was gone, leaving nothing but the moon to illuminate long nights. Moana hadn't seen Maui himself much either over the past days. One of the village women had seen him pacing out by the North shore that very day, and insisted that his borrowed fale was still in use, but he was keeping his distance, even more so then usual.

Moana didn't know what her feelings for Maui actually were anymore. She thought they were just friends who sailed the great oceans together. That's what they always were, especially when they first met. But then...whenever she saw him now, Moana got a funny feeling in her stomach. She couldn't help her smile when he was around, and she always felt safe with him nearby. Moana hadn't felt this way about anyone, not even Aisuka who was her closest friend on the island.

"Hey, Moana,"

Speak of the devil. Moana glanced up and smiled at Aisuka, who was standing before her fale with two fresh coconuts under his arms,
"I brought these for you,"

"Thanks, Aisuka. What are you doing here?"

"Well, we never did get that walk in the moonlight. I thought now would be a better time?"

Moana didn't feel up to a walk at that moment, but she had been pushing Aisuka away for weeks. Swallowing her own unhappiness and forcing the quirk of her lips to remain in place, Moana ran a hand through her long dark hair,

"Alright. Where do you want to walk too?"

"Just to the shore," Aisuka insisted, "it'll be a short walk,"

"Lead the way."

The young coconut harvester beamed and set down his gifts, reaching out to wrap an arm around Moana's waist as they began to stride towards the ocean. It was peaceful really, just the two of them. But Moana couldn't stop thinking about the lack of stars in the sky tonight,

"They just disappeared," Moana said aloud, causing Aisake to turn and look to the sky as well,

"Perhaps Rehua has decided that a starless sky would fit tonight?"

"Maybe," Moana mumbled, walking into the water as it lapped happily at her ankles, "does it not worry you?"

"No, the stars will come back," Aisuka insisted, only to let out a slight cough. Knitting her brows, Moana turned to him,

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah fine, just a tickle,"

"Are you sure?" Moana insisted, "you look tired,"

There was no answer as Aisuka suddenly kneeled down on the sand, like he had lost all feeling in his legs. Surging forward, Moana began to check him. His skin was burning like lava, and his skin was covered in dark, tattoo like dots,
"Ai? Ai come on, speak to me,"

There was nothing as the man collapsed onto his side and fell unconscious. Inhaling sharply, Moana felt his neck and wrist with a sigh of relief, only to jump as someone came crashing through the trees. It was Maui. His face was contorted into an expression of great worry and panic, a look Moana didn't see on the demigod of the wind and sea very often, 

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