Chapter 15: Water and Fire

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Moana felt somewhat honored. It wasn't every day, after all, that she got to watch Rohe, the goddess of the Underworld dress for battle. But then again, Moana was the one who had challenged Rohe to the duel in the first place...and she had a sinking feeling that she was going to get pummeled,

'Me and my big mouth,' Moana thought to herself, watching from one side of the throne room as many holoholona brought metallic pieces of armor to their goddess. The pressed silver shined and blazed like fire, and contrasted against Rohe's dark and gold arms as a winged helmet was placed over her braid, and a long spear was set into her hand. Moana held her oar tightly, like it would somehow protect her from Rohe's wrath,

"I am ready for our battle, little Wayfinder," Rohe said confidently, "my special battle request was my armor, and my weapon is my trusted spear. What of you, child?"

"Uh, my weapon is my oar," Moana held out the wooden tool in demonstration, "and...uh, my special battle request is a-a bowl of sea water,"

"Sea water? Whatever for, child?" Rohe asked, though waved for one of her holoholona to fetch the request anyway. Swallowing thickly, Moana pulled her hair into a bun,

"It makes me comfortable,"

"Mm, you're a strange one," Rohe commented, "but your request has been granted,"

Turning slightly, Moana watched as Pele came and placed a golden bowl of water at her feet, glancing up and winking slightly. Moving hurriedly to one side, Rohe extended her arms,

"First, we bow to one another. As customary,"

Moana did so, keeping an eye on Rohe as her cinder eyes glowed with excitement, "and now, we can begin our battle!"

Moana stiffened slightly as Rohe laughed, spinning around gracefully as a ball of fire burned between her palms. With little warning, it was soon hurtling towards Moana's face as she cried out and ducked to one side. Rolling across the carpet, Moana watched as Rohe summoned up another attack. Turning rapidly, the young wayfinder opened her own palm, dragging the ocean water from the bowl she had requested. It was somewhat lucky that she was a water controller, as Moana threw up a shield as a fireball was engulfed by it. Taking Rohe's momentary surprise as an advantage, Moana threw an attack of her own.

It was a blade of water aimed directly at the fire goddesses feet, causing her to fall to the floor with a yelp and and happy laugh. Bringing the water down on her from above, Rohe continued to roll out of its path before taking cover behind a column,

"I think I may have underestimated you, Wayfinder!" She called, "but you can't defeat me that easily!"

Placing her hands against the floor, Moana jumped up in panic as a trail of fire suddenly shot across the marble, nearly ensnaring her feet as Moana used her water to douse the flames. This, unfortunately, gave Rohe enough time to recover. Tossing a few more fireballs, Moana dodged them with some ease, remembering all the times she ran through the thick forests of Montuni,

"Stop hiding and come face me," Moana growled, though her voice betrayed her own nervousness, "or are you scared of some puny demigoddess?"

"Pfft, please child. Not even the tide would be scared of you," Rohe insisted, coming out from behind her pillar. Moana shot a few quick water blades at her, but they were evaporated into nothing but steam as Rohe chuckled,

"Fire beats water-"

"Ahh!" Moana charged Rohe directly, catching the goddess off guard as they crossed weapons, oar against spear as Moana stared into Rohe's ember eyes. 'I won't let you take Maui, or that comet,' Moana hissed in her mind,  pushing against Rohe, once again causing her to stumble. Using the flat of her oar, she smacked the woman in the chest, only to be sent backwards as a current of fire entered her body. Landing on her back and whimpering in pain, Moana writhed slightly as the goddess of the underworld clucked her tongue,

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