Chapter 14: The Duel

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'I need time to think about this,' That's what Moana had said, staring wildly between Rohe and Maui, her heart clenching and unclenching in fear and pain, her eyes prickling with childish tears, 'this...this is-is too much. I-I have to talk to Maui-'
Rohe had denied her that request with a fiery glare and a shake of her head, 'at least give me time to think this over,'

That's how Moana ended up back in her chambers, staring at one of the black obsidian walls and crimson drapery with dim eyes. In the far corner of the room, the same group of three holoholona from before were sprawled on silk pillows, braiding each other's hair and painting intricate designs onto one another's skin. Inwardly, Moana wondered what it was like to be a holoholona, lounging about the Palace all day long with no responsibilities other then caring for occasional house guests, and the ever temperamental Rohe. She wouldn't have to deal with being a demigoddess, or being a young chief, or...Maui.

'Where would I be without Maui?' Moana thought to herself, leaning on an open palm as she rested an elbow on her knee, 'I wouldn't be in this mess. But I also wouldn't have gone to Tē Fiti. I would still be on Montuni. I'd still be trapped there, longing for the ocean, yet knowing I could never have that life,'

Moana's lips twisted into a deep frown,

'Without Maui, I never would have found Tangaroa and Rehua. My people would all be dead without him...'

Moana cocked her head the opposite way now and sighed heavily. It was her choice to make. PGet the comet and return it to Rehua in order to save her people from extinction, or save Maui, and let Montuni die. It was an almost an impossible decision. Maui was a part of her story as a Wayfinder. And without him around, Moana felt as though a piece of her very soul was just...gone.

"You care for the Demigod, child?"

The silky voice of Pele startled Moana from her thoughts as she glanced up, twisting around to face the slender woman. She had changed out of her red garments, and had instead dawned a toga of white and gold. It contrasted against her dark skin as her ember eyes flickered, "you are in deep thought,"

"I wish the decision were easy," Moana admitted weakly, playing with the braid which lay limply on one of her shoulders, "I lose one piece of my life or the other no matter which direction I turn. What am I supposed to do?"

"Mm, destiny is cruel that way, child." Pele sighed slightly and glided towards the bed, sinking down to sit beside Moana. Almost hesitantly, her warm, fragile hand came to rest upon the Wayfinder's shoulder, "Rohe is a very powerful goddess, but she too was faced with a most awful choice. Live for the rest of her life as the monster which Maui made her, or give up her soul to Whiro and gain the power to destroy him. Revenge, unfortunately, outweighed her very will to live,"

Moana felt her heart give slightly, her fingers clutching the blankets of the bedspread as Pele looked towards the same wall Moana had been staring at earlier, "you, young Wayfinder, have a different problem. To either risk the lives of your family, or the immortal existence of the man you love,"

Moana stiffened slightly and turned to stare at Pele. Love? She didn't love Maui. Maybe as a friend or a brother, but not as anything else. As if reading her thoughts (or maybe just her startled expression), Pele smiled weakly,

"You deny it now, child. But when it comes time for him to go, your heart will protest. But, fate is funny that way I suppose," Pele sat back casually as her smile disappeared and her eyes became sad, "Rohe shares a similar story to yours, but her own envy and anger blackened her heart. Don't let this choice do that to you too. After all," Pele grinned weakly and cocked her head to one side, "you only have an eternity,"

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