Chapter 6: Empty Skies

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"Maui, demigod of the wind and sea. Hero to all. Why did you leave for two years and never come back?"

Moana paced in the island grass by the shore that night, oar tossed over her shoulders as she trampled a well worn path. Above her, the navy sky sparkled with billions of stars, including the replica of Maui's hook. Nearby, the soft roll of the surf matched Moana's heartbeat as she walked back and forth.

With all the excitement over and done with, Moana felt the overwhelming feeling of frustration crawling back into her consciousness. She still hadn't confronted Maui about his sudden disappearance after Tē Fiti. It was something that had been bugging her for years now, but Moana couldn't seem to find the right way to approach the subject.

Glancing down as something snapped against her skin, Moana frowned at Mini Mo, who was leaning in her canoe with an unamused look on her inked face,

"Listen, I'm trying, ok? At least you and Mini Maui are actually on talking terms,"

The inked girl folded her arms in disbelief as Moana rolled her eyes and grunted,

"It's been different since he got back. It's like we aren't even friends anymore. I thought maybe we just needed to get used to one another again, but he's shutting me out,"

Mo shook her head slightly as Moana left the patch of grass where she had been pacing and tromped down to the beach. This particular side of Motunui was almost completely void of coconut trees, and was mostly an expanse of field grass and shoreline. Sitting down on the ridge created by the land and shore, Moana huffed and leaned on a hand.

The past few days had been a little more then trying. Not only had Moana found Maui again (more like rescued him), but she had also found out she currently carried the heart of Tangaroa. He was a very powerful God, at least from the stories Moana had heard from her Grandma. But then again, she had never heard of Auahitūroa before.

Shaking her head and grunting again, Moana brought her focus back to the problem at hand. Confronting Maui. He was purposefully avoiding her, and Moana wanted to know why!

"Alright, I think I just need to go talk to him. Good plan?"

Moana looked to Mo, who merely shrugged and nodded, freezing back into her position as the young wayfinder stood from her place on the sand and brushed herself off,
"I'll find Maui and make him tell me why he left. Though...I can't really make Maui do anything...No, it's already been decided. Find Maui,"

Turning on her heel, Moana meant to go stomping off towards the village. However, she suddenly had the urge to turn and look at the ocean. Upon doing so, Moana's heart dropped into her gut. There was something plummeting right towards her! Gasping out of sheer panic, the young Chief grasped her oar and drew it back. Bringing it forward, Moana used her strength to whack the ball of light hurtling at her into the ocean, watching in horror as the water swallowed it.

Breathing shakily, Moana hurried down to the surf line, looking into the ocean. She was knocked back however as the sea foam rose up to reveal the ball of light. Though it was no longer an orb, but a tall creature with eyes like fire,

"O-oh no,"

Stepping back and holding her cherished weapon, the glowing monster growled as the ocean began to lap at its submerged waist. Moving to wade from the shallows, Moana turned and ran the other way out of instinct. She needed Maui's help! Moana didn't get far however before a blazing fire hit her back, and she flew forward into the grass with a pained yelp,

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