Chapter 16: Things Left Unsaid

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Moana didn't realize how much she had missed the sunlight. Though Rohe's Palace was beautiful, nothing could compare to the open ocean on a clear day. Currently, Moana sat at the bow of her canoe, letting the wind whip her curls as the Ocean propelled them back towards Rapa Nui at amazing speed. Around Moana's neck was the recovered Comet, and a smile was set on her lips as droplets of water gently wet her dirty skin. It had been a long journey, one Moana was sure she would never forget. But Muai had been quiet since leaving the underworld, seemingly in deep contemplation. This left the young wayfinder time to think about her own emotions, and the question she had asked back at the palace. Did she need to cool off? Deep in her heart, Moana thought Maui would profess his undying love for her right out of the gate. He had (nearly) done it in Te Uranga-o-te-rā i when her life was in danger, so why not when it was all said and done? But of course, Moana knew Maui better then that.

His pride was much too important to him, too bloated to even let him think of some cheesy romantic gesture. And, if Moana thought about it, she didnt think it suited Maui anyway. His idea of romance was...well, killing a creepy stalker eel and burying its guts. Maui was a man of action, not romance. Yet he still sat at the back of the canoe, silent as death, his brow perched forward in thought. Mindlessly, his hand stroked Hei-Hei whom hadn't moved (thank the gods) since Moana and Maui had left for Te Uranga-o-te-rā i. Moana had never really seen Maui so concentrated before, and what he was thinking about was a complete mystery. Moana's first thought was that he was thinking about her. Maui was thinking about their possible relationship, or perhaps the spur of the moment profession when Moana had looked into the eyes of Rohe. But then again, he could have been thinking of something else. Rohe was much prettier then Moana, and she was a goddess. Maybe he was thinking about her instead, or Pele, or just...their adventure in general. Moana quirked a lip at that. It was certainly an adventure for the books, Moana wouldn't hesitate to tell Sina all about it when she got home.

Moana couldn't help but beam at the thought of Montuni. She was desperately homesick. She wanted to see her island and her people, she wanted to see her mom, and the mountains and the sky. Being chief was nothing compared to facing down gods and goddesses of the underworld. Laughing to herself at that, Moana glanced down at her shoulder. Mo was resting on a hammock on her little island, while Mini Maui sang to her while playing a Ukulele. The little inked girl appeared to be dozing off in her little paradise. Moana frowned slightly. Would she and Maui ever be like that? Content and peaceful, dozing off in the island sun together? Moana had no idea. After all, Maui was a free spirit. He would go where the wind would take him, and, there was a chance he wouldnt come back. Rohe seemed to be in tune with that aspect of him, and how he came and went like the tide. Indesivie. Moana sighed and shook her head, looking down into her flickering reflection water. Was there ever a chance of him staying?


Moana nearly fell off the canoe in fright, turning around slightly to find Maui staring at her. His eyes were still dark and cloudy with contemplation, but he was adressing her now,

"Maui," Smiling stupidly, Moana unconsiously tucked her hair away, though the wind merely tossed it right back anyway, "is...hem, is everything ok?"

There was a second of nothing before Maui sighed heavily, closed his eyes and nodded,

"Yeah. Listen, what you did for me back there-"

"Maui, no," Moana shook her head slightly, "no need to thank me or anything,"

"But I have to," Muai insisted, " talked to Rohe. You made her believe in herself. you. That was," Maui chuckled half heartedly, "that was pretty amazing. But, I just..." Maui stumbled with his words, seeming to become frustrated with his lack of comprehendability, "I just think that I would probably still be down there without you. And you totally risked getting hurt for me. always come back, and I..." Maui sighed in defeat, his shoulders slmping as Moana knitted her brows, "I guess I just want to say thank you,"

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