Chapter 11: Stars That Guide Us

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Moana had never felt this way before. Sure she had been irritated with Maui before, in fact, Moana was always irritated with Maui, but she had never felt angry? It wasn't even anger, it was almost like a seething rage, like the hot stews Sina made on chilly nights. Dark tan flushing an angry red, Moana clutched her fists,

"You have a wife!?"

It was louder then Moana had meant it to be, and her voice seemed to shake the walls of the ocean palace,

"Woah, woah Curly don't get your oar in a knot," Maui insisted, "it was a long time ago and it wasn't even that great of a relationship,"

"How can being married to a goddess be a bad relationship?" Moana's angry voice cracked suddenly, as tears filled her eyes, but the young wayfinder rapidly held them back. Folding her arms tightly against her breasts, Moana began to stride as fast as possible down the hall. She didn't know why she was crying over Maui. He always got into trouble, was a total player, and was technically a no good, dirty thief. Yet Moana didn't want Maui to see her cry in front of him, she was better then that.

"Moana! Wait up, what's wrong?"

Maui took hold of Moana's collar with a hand and halted her walking, lifting the girl up and turning her around to face him. Looking down at the ground, Moana let the tears soak up as her angry face returned, "are...are you pouting?"

"No!" Moana lifted her head and threw her hair over one shoulder, though her expression remained the same, "pouting is childish,"

"You totally are pouting,"

"No I'm not, Maui! This is my normal face,"

"Wait, are you-?"

Maui seemed to catch on to Moana's problem as she flushed an even deeper crimson red and puffed out her chest,

"Don't even think about saying it-"


Moana threw up her arms and looked to the oceaniac ceiling,


"You're jealous that I'm married to a goddess! Wow, that's..." Maui flipped his hook around so it rested over his shoulders, "that's something,"

"I'm not jealous," Moana insisted again, turning to continue walking, only at a much slower pace, "I just...don't like that you've never told me,"

"I'm sure that's the reason, Curly,"

Maui, for once in his life, let the subject drop as the pair of demigods walked in silence. After a while, the place where they had fallen in came into view, "looks like this is it," Maui stated, taking his hook up for a transformation, "ready?"

"As I'll ever be I guess," Moana mumbled, bracing herself as there was a 'CHEEEHOOO' from Maui as giant hawk materialized before her and flew into the air. Yelping slightly as talons grasped her shoulders, Moana clutched tightly onto Maui's talons as they soared up into the watery ceiling. Immediately, Maui transformed into a dolphin, and Moana clutched onto his fin as the two pounded towards the surface of the earth again. Just as Moana thought she would run out of air, her head broke the surface, and she gasped heavily,

"Well that was fun," Maui said, already wringing out his wet curls and pulling them into a bun, "wouldn't you say, Curly?"

"Not my definition of fun," Moana hissed slightly, crawling up onto the grass and coughing up some water, "I'm not a shapeshifter like you, ok?"

"Have you ever tried?"

Maui's cocky tone irritated Moana, but his question caught her attention,

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