Chapter 2

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The herbal drink she had given him knocked him out cold. She said it would help with the pain so he didn't argue. He had woken up hungry and tired, possibly because of the mixture, he tried getting up but the pain in his chest prevented him from doing so.

He had broken two ribs and had dislocated his knee from the fall then. His knees was healed now and so what his ribs but the pain from them still tortured him especially in the mornings. He had been here for three months with this family. The first two months were full of herbal treatments, pains all over his body, and being absolutely bed-ridden.

Afterwards, he regained strength in his leg and body and began to move around and now, he is just convalescing. He had lost everything, his castle, his throne and his woman. He had lost it to that man, that senseless sack. But he would get everything back, most importantly, he would get his woman back.

He knew she loved him, she must have proven it somehow before the last petal fell, that's why he's human now. Just thinking of that alone, makes him eager to get out of here and find her fast so he can love her too like she deserved. And while at it, he will make sure that Gaston regrets the day he set his eyes on Belle or his castle.

As he struggled to stand up, a man walked in and helped him up.

"You don't have to stress yourself some much, your Highness", the man said.

"Give me a little credit Jonathan, am not as weak as I might seem."

"I know that sir. I know the pain is still there, but if you keep on taking the herbal mix my wife gave you last night, it should be gone in a week."

"Thank you, Jonathan. You have really helped me, you and your family are good people."

"Your Highness, it would have been inhuman to leave you the way we saw you, besides, I have to help the wounded, if not, how can I call myself a doctor?"

"But still, many wouldn't have done what you did. I shall be sure to reward you once I go back."

"Sire, you know there's really no need for that."

"I insist. I see you're going out to the farm, let me come and help you."

"Sire, you really don't have to do that."

"I believe I should exercise myself for faster recovery or is it that you don't look forward to me recovering?"

"Its none of such, sir."

"I am coming with you.", he states matter-of-factly.

"No problem, but we must have breakfast first, my wife really went out of her way for this one."

They both exit the room.


At the farm...

"The radishes grow great this time of year.", Jonathan states.

" You should see what my wife can make out of them", he continues.

Adam smiles, raises his hoe and brings it down to create his ninth hole in the ground. But before the hoe reaches the ground, he feels the sharp pain come up to his chest again and he flinches and staggers for a moment. Jonathan notices and starts towards him but Adam stops him.

"I'm okay, don't worry about me."

"My wife's tonic will take of that soon enough."

"I trust." He pauses for a moment then asks "you really love her, don't you? Your wife, that is."

"More than I could even put into words."

There's a pause again.

"I know what you mean."

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