Chapter 6

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Cover art from _StVictor_
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Gaston's boots made their way close to Adam's feet. They stood facing each other, eyes piercing the other's until Gaston broke the silence.

"Who are you? And what is your business with my woman?"

"Your woman?", Adam asked calmly.

" Most definitely my woman. Everything that breathes in this town knows that Belle is my most treasured property. So I want to know what gave you the audacity to even speak to her."

Adam pondered on what to say, knowing fully well, that his answer to that question determined how the whole situation would play out. From either good to worse, or good to better.

He ran scenarios in his head on how to get Belle back from this creature. He was no longer a beast so the brute strength he got from that advancement was gone. Gaston was a fierce fighter, better than he was and he was aware of that. There was no point trying to get better at fighting now; there was no time for that. He needed a faster way to penetrate the issue.

He would eventually have to fight Gaston, but he wanted things to be more to his advantage when he did; things were not favouring him at the moment.

Then it came to him, he had the element of surprise, Gaston had no idea who he was, that he was the same beast who he thought he had killed and had stolen Belle from, he could use that. He could get close to Belle and even to Gaston, so he could know Gaston's weakness, so that he'd get him when he least excepted. But how was he going to do that.


"Well, I don't believe you're mute, seeing my guard here saw you talking to my jewel.", Gaston said, a little annoyed.

A smirk formed slowly on Adam's face. Gaston's expression didn't falter.

Adam stepped to the side and walked behind Gaston to where the guard stood, nobody else moved and just watched. Adam gave the guard a punch straight to his nose, knocking the air right out of his system. The guard fell to the floor immediately, cursing and trying to breathe for oxygen at the same time.

Once he did that, the rest guys drew out their knives and guns and pointed them at him. Adam walked back to stand in front of Gaston who hadn't moved an inch yet.

" Your guard there is weak, you're too a brilliant man to leave your prized jewel to an amateur like that.", Adam said, cursing himself in his mind for referring to Belle like she was some object.
Gaston said nothing and just looked at him emotionless.

Adam took a step back, and bowed, lowering his full torso. He stood straight then spoke.

"My name is Adam Collins, I wander in this town from a fishing village thirty miles northwest from here. I came here looking for greener pastures after i lost my wife a year ago and lost all my properties to debt. I do not know about the socials of this town, forgive my ignorance.
As for the damsel, she seemed quite beautiful, I wouldn't lie, I stopped her to get information about the town because I did come in today. Admittedly, I had other things in mind for the beauty, but seeing now that she's yours, I pry no further.", his heart shook as he said those words 'she's yours" but he had to keep the façade for Gaston to believe him.

"I never knew she was being guarded as I saw no one around, so I thought her a commoner", he continued.

Gaston looked at him intensely, trying to make sense of the details Adam gave. After a while, he finally spoke.

" You look like a believable, noble man. So what do you suppose I do to this incompetent one?" Gesturing to the guard on the ground still petting his broken nose.

"Well, that really up to you sire. But when considering just remember that back then, I had enough time to steal away your precious jewel and ask for ransom money that could better my life because your 'guard'  was feeling a bit lazy."

"You seem quite confident, I like you.", Gaston replied returning the same smirk Adam had been sporting.

"I'm going to give you two options, because you did just assault my guard and also spoke to my queen, I most definitely can't let it slide like that. So you have to choose, its either you come to work for me, or choose to be imprisoned for your rest years. I would have said kill you but I only kill animals, merciless, savage beasts. And I reckon you're not one of that?"

"Definitely not, sire". At least not any more.

"So what do you say?", Gaston asked.

" Obliged to be at your service", Adam replied bowing again.

"You remind me of someone, I really can't place it but I've met a character like you once, that's why I feel I could trust you already."

"Well, that's good news for me.", Adam said.

A/N: Okay Adam, where are you going with this? You're supposed to be pounding his brain not sucking up to him? But let's trust your instincts tho. And Gaston's really got it twisted, ain't it?
Who was surprised at Adam's decision because I was.

Sorry for the late update, I had madt assignments piled up that I had to get to.

Promise to update sooner. Support me by voting and sharing and commenting your thoughts because it makes me happy

Also remember I love you all...Muah!!!

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