Part 9

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Jeeeez I haven't updated this in awhile. So where was I at? Oh yeah

Dec 21

I'll cut y'all off here because I forgot most of the details and lacked the urge to write this book. So I'm still with my mains, Danny, Miguel, Trisha, and yeah I don't like anyone anymore. If you're asking me to tell you that's basically asking for a long ass explanation with too much personal shiz. Well me and Ashley are in good terms so not much to touch on but you won't hear much from her unless it's important. Trisha is still here, who I met all of her friends, we're friends. Miguel is Miguel. And Danny's "Mom" Celina is now my sister. Eh? Too confusing? On with the story.

Why December 21? Well ya see, flippin class ends so late, so they decided to end it frickin Dec 21st. That's 4 days til Christmas? Jesus I'll get to the good part.

So in the Christmas party, you're allowed to wear anything. I wore a denim jacket and blue cargo pants with my fancy shoes. Why cargo pants? Cause jeans don't look good with a denim polo.

So La Salle held this mass before anything really happened. After the mass, it's basically do whatever you want with your friends until 12 noon. I'll run you down.

So to start off, Christian participated in the flour challenge where you basically have to chomp flour until you find a coin. I thought "this couldn't be hard" until it started. FML. Flour tastes terrible. I distinctly remember me and Christian walking to the bathroom talking weirdly with flour all over us. Don't worry I took off my $20 denim polo. Did I mention it was expensive?

Right after that was gift giving. I wrote all of my friends letters because my parents didn't bother to take me Christmas shopping for my friends. I wrote a letter for Christian, Danny, Kartik, white guy Carlos Ilagan, Vito, Miguel, Celina, Trisha, and Ashley. Trisha's friends, Charlie and this other girl named Chat gave me gifts as well even if I forgot them in the count. Ashley gave me a pack of Toblerone, Trisha gave me correction tape, Miguel gave me a digital letter, Celina, Danny, Vito, and Christian gave me nothing, and Kartik gave me a planner.

Before "class" ended, me and Celina saw this mini concert in Miguel's section where these guys sung weirdly. It was probably intentionally funny. After that school for the year ended.

Dec 24

My dad took me shopping. We went to SM BF which I mentioned in another chapter. So first we strolled into Uniqlo. Me, thinking they'd have great stock of 13-year-old clothes was disappointed at the lack of them. It's Christmas you're Christmas shopping too late. So instead we went to the department store. In the end I bought skinny jeans and a new pair of Nikes.

So in Christmas Eve, my family ate dinner together until like 10:00 pm. After that, me and my friends had a call on oovoo until Christmas. Me, Trisha, Miguel, and one of Trisha's friends, Charlie, (Charlie like the girl name) called until Christmas. After that I slept.

Dec 25

Christmas! Yay! Ok I'll run you down what I did. I woke up, watch a couple of YouTube videos, went down to the Christmas tree and opened a gift. It was a dark blue H&M sweater from one of my relatives. I hugged the sweater for a bit, then wore it for the entire day.

In the afternoon, I had to go on a flight to Davao with my family cause that's where all my relatives were. Around 3:00 pm was our flight, and I won't lie, this is the second time my family thought of flying on Christmas Day. Christmas, as always, was very enjoyable.

Dec 27

Today, I woke up with an upset stomach. Or at least I thought. I didn't feel like walking and felt like throwing up all the time. I didn't throw up but I just felt really bad. Another bad thing was it was my dad's parents 50 year anniversary, so obviously I had to get out. It was a struggle, believe me.

Later in the day, it weakened to slight bums. In the evening there was this grand reception where the waiters served wine before anything. Unbelievably, they gave me a glass of wine. I updated my story on Instagram with the picture of wine, tagged Rance cause he drinks, and questioned if I should drink it. A second later someone texts me.

Ashley: Drink it!!
Me: You want me drunk or something?

Geez that was funny. I kept saying no until I remembered my older cousins were here, and they'd tell me to drink anyways. I took one sip, and cringed my face after the bitter wine.

"Never again" I said.

Later, after all the reception stuff was over, I hung out with my cousins. Here's some explanation. I'm a newly 13-year-old, so I hang out with my two older cousins who are 20 and 22, girl and guy respectively, and my grandmother's family friend's teens, who are 13 and 17 respectively. The 20 year old, who I'll just call Gean, had me drink half a glass of red wine. Geez I said never again a couple minutes ago and here I am drinking again.

Dec 28

In the morning, the extended family was gonna go to the beach.
I was with the teens again, the 22 year old I'll call Zach, was driving. The beach is only a quick 30 minutes away in Davao, and a 5 minute boat ride.

After the boat ride, we came to the beach island resort. I met my Tito and my Tita, rather the parents of the older cousins. After that, the two older ones were like: let's drink again! They ordered beer, and they ordered me an entire bottle of Tanduay Ice and told me I had to drink it.

To make the drinking more conditional, we played drinking games with cards. I ended up finishing the entire bottle and already felt drunk. I know for sure when I'm older I'll be a really weak drinker.

After the drinking session, I played chess against Zach. I was drunk at the time and could barely even see straight. We played best out of three, which I thought for sure he was gonna win. It went like this.

I swept out the first round, EZ PZ. Zach took me out in the endgame in the second round with me playing badly, and I took him really early in the third round, thus me winning a game of chess drunk.

Dec 30

Nothing much happens on this day. In the evening, me and my family flew back to Manila. By that time it was the 31st.

Dec 31st

In the evening, my family went to mass and had New Year's dinner. I had Paella, and this is where I knew I f*cked up.

Everyone stayed up until New Years, where me and my friends called. Our neighbors were throwing firecrackers into the air like crazy I swear.

Me, Trisha, and Miguel basically waited for 2017, the second it began, I took a mirror selfie and posted it on my Instagram story. That's not even how badly the year started.

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