Part 8

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November 21st

This week is a long ass one. This week is what La Salle calls Vision Mission week. It's all about supporting a cause by donating. For the final few days, the school is gonna be turned into a fair where you can do activities, but food and hangs with friends. How do I know this being a new student? The events already happened so screw it onto the week.

Nothing much happened the entire day until dismissal. One thing I forgot to point out last chapter was on Thursday's dismissal I talked to Ashley. When she left, I chatted with her friend Rance, who's just really dirty minded. He asked a weird question when Ashley was still here, which asked if I liked anyone. I lied saying no.

When I came to talk to her after dismissal. Rance checked my last name and put it after Ashley's name. Then he continuously teased Ashley, being dirty minded here and there. You can don't imagine that wasn't fun.

November 22nd

Tuesday, no crap happens on Tuesday.

November 23rd

This Wednesday, they dismissed us at 12:30 pm for La Salle to have time to prepare for fair. Eh that's really it.

I'm gonna refer to myself as San because that's what my friends call me because of the other Miguel.

November 24th

Fair! I came to school and learned you could bring your phone! Haha dumb San never uses his brain sometimes. I forgot to mention, there are these Senior Students who are called catchers which catch you yoga bands, bring you to booths, and either make you do dares or pay P10. Miguel said it was super fun but I was skeptical.

At 8:00 the fair officially started. I walked around with Danny and Christian for awhile since the catchers. One last thing I forgot to mention, if you had your ID or you had an immunity band (basically a specific colored piece of ribbon) you couldn't be caught. By 8:30 the catchers started appearing. Straight off the bat one girl caught Danny and brought him to her booth. Me and Christian started running and fighting our way out of the catchers which I have to agree was pretty fun.

Later on we tried to sneak past where all the catchers were stationed, but someone caught me even if I was wearing my ID. What a jag!! I didn't have to pay or anything though I just signed this paper thing. They also had to write on your arm whenever you were caught.

Around near noon, I went into La Salle's auditorium where a lot of people were. No catchers were allowed to be in the auditorium so that was a break. Inside, I found two silver immunity bands which lasted the entire day. Those things cost P200 and to find two inside? Gold! I tied one around my watch and one around my ID. Bye catchers!

That day was spent walking around with Danny and Christian. I gave the extra immunity band to Vito for he was tattooed on one of his arms.

Me and my friends Arwen, Andre, Leila, and Kari left La Salle at 6:00 pm. Leila's mom was supposed to pick us up, but then my mom said my driver should pick us up and stay at my house for the time being.

Here's a great time to describe my house and more of my room. It's a two story house with a pool, and my room is on the second floor. There's a bed on one corner of a room, a shelf of Lego in another corner, and a desk in another corner. A bathroom is connected to my room as well.

When me and my friends got to my house, I remembered it was, of course, Thanksgiving. Oh forgetful San. I grabbed food from the Kitchen and shared it among the fellas. Right after I immediately got onto Instagram and posted a story about how I wasn't spending Thanksgiving properly. Even if I'm not American, Thanksgiving  should've been spent with my family, who instead went out and left me and my siblings at home. Oh well.

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