Part 11

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Jan 3

I heard the ratting of hospital bed wheels clicking against the gaps between the tiles. I hear two men talking as they push a hospital bed. I slowly open my eyes and one looks at me. They push me to the hospital room 904. There, they open the door. My dad was on his tablet when they opened the door. He got out of his game of Clash Royale and greeted me as the two other guys transfer me to another hospital bed.

"Everything's all good right?" I said in my raspy voice.

"Yes it is." My dad replied as he ran his hand over my forehead.

It was around 8:00am when I woke up. This time I was 100% lucid and looked at my surroundings. My mom was on her phone near a bed positioned beside a window sill. My dad was playing Clash Royale on his tablet in a foldable bed. I had an IV line machine connected to the left side of me. The nurse said I had a slight fever.

"There's free wifi." My dad told me as he handed my iPod over.

"Wow really? Must be quick if you're playing Clash Royale with it." I replied.

I logged straight on to Instagram and saw my direct message box blowing up. Everyone who texted me was like "what happened?" Or "I heard what happened to you, hope you're doing well!" I replied to every single text extremely appreciative of everyone.

I'm gonna site funny things

My mom and dad, as kind as they are, told me they'd help me go to the toilet instead of letting me pee in a bottle. I was allowed to drink minimal amounts of water, but damn I peed way too much for sips of water. I had peed thrice that day. And to get me out of the bed, my mom and my dad had to grab me by the legs and neck, pivot me around, and put me into a sitting position. My core was super weak due to the three incisions that were there. This was extremely funny to me though no matter how much it hurt.

Jan 4

Today I was allowed to eat really soft food. My mom had made me oatmeal and I gobbled that up. That was thematically the first meal I've had for the new year! This time I didn't throw it up and I felt fine. They nurse had given me a pill to take after I ate.

Later in the evening, they said I had to eat again because I was gonna take another pill which was antibiotic. I said I didn't want to eat because I felt full but thy had me eat anyways. I had oatmeal for dinner again and took the pill, then I lied down.

Even later in the evening, I felt my stomach rumbling. I had to pee, so I had to wake my dad up to help me out. Then all of a sudden, I felt like throwing up. I didn't reluctantly, but that just felt terrible.

Jan 5

In the morning, they served me breakfast. Papaya and some hot Milo. I felt fine at first, but then I had to throw up. I threw up my breakfast and that's when they told me to stop eating for now.

Later in the day, I noticed how puffy my left hand was. I reported it to a nurse who immediately said we had to replace it. I was crying metaphorically at that. They took it off first, but my left hand felt super heavy. Then, they tried to apply IV needles into my right hand.

My grandmother had came to check on me, and really helped me brace though the IV needles. They tried twice but couldn't do it, so they decided for a smaller needle. Before that, I had to throw up. This was one of the worst experiences I've ever had. I threw up bile. The green stuff your lover makes. They really had to place the IV needle. My body was failing without the support. My grandmother had to leave unfortunately, so I was scared for my life. My mom had left for my other siblings, so it was just my dad. He grasped my puffy hand. The nurse carefully inserted the needle, and it connected with my vein.

It took awhile, but the effect started to kick in. I felt a lot more livelier and hadn't thrown up. The nurse had suggested I bite on ice cubes as I started feeling better.

Jan 6

Haha I never covered this, but in an appendectomy, they had to make sure you'd crap out before they could sent you out. Today I felt like I had to take a crap. My dad brought me to the bathroom and I took my crap. Unbelievably, I had diarrhea. That's like everything bad that can happen to you after surgery. Fever, throwing up, and diarrhea. They nurses put me on eating again and said I had to drink a lot of fluids. Today was a lot easier though.

Jan 7

I woke up. Everything felt right. The IV needle had been taken off in my sleep and my body was fine. The surgeon said he could give me permission to leave now as long as the diarrhea was containable. I took the entire day, but at around 6:00pm, a wheelchair was brought in to bring me out of the hospital. My mom and dad had packed up and got ready to leave. They called over the driver as we went to the lobby.

Anything with bumps hurt me way too much. Every time the wheelchair rolled over something, I felt slight pain. At the exit door, there was a line of bumps. I told them I'd walk instead, and that's what I did. I grasped onto my dad as I slowly made my way to the car. Every bump was pain going home, but I had the sense of everything coming bad. The lights of the night, the car radio playing. When we got home, I slowly walked inside and was greeted my brother and sister. My family had dinner together for the first time in awhile, then my dad helped me walk upstairs. As I closed my eyes, I started to reflect upon this.

My dad had to cancel his flight to save my life. My mom had to miss a lot of work to save my life. They had to sacrifice for my life. I felt super thankful. I frightened all my friends, and I'll admit that was my fault. But I recovered just enough to be in the comfort of my home, and that's all that mattered.

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