Chapter 15 (Mare POV)

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Cal leads me out to the center of the dance floor. He settles his hands on my waist as I place mine around his neck. I put my head on his chest as we begin to sway to the music. All I can think about is that he is here with me, and there's nobody else in the world.
"Isn't it funny how we've come in a complete circle?" I ask. "Think back to when I was engaged to your brother and there was no way we could be together. We're pretty much back where we started." Cal laughs before pulling me towards to him even though we probably couldn't get any closer.
"Yeah, we've come full circle all right. And you still can't dance. You remember that night when I tried to teach you to dance, right?"
"How could I forget? I don't know if I'll ever get over that night," I whisper.
"And why's that?" Cal asks, tilting my chin up at him.
"Because I think that was the night I really, truly, fell in love with you." I feel a drop on my forehead, and when I look up, I can see that Cal's crying. Then I feel a tear on my chest. I'm crying too, and I can't stop. Every fiber of my being wants to kiss him right now. Every part of me wishes I could be with him. I look down. If I look him in the eye, I might break down. He tilts my chin up again and wipes a tear from my cheek.
"Don't cry Mare, please don't cry. It's your wedding night, you should be happy." That just makes me cry harder.
"It's just I. . . I really wish we could be together. And I know that I'll never love anyone as much as I love you. I'll never get over you Cal."
"I know Mare. I'll never get over you either. And I know you don't believe all that crap in romance novels and all that talk about true love. I didn't believe it either until I met you. And I don't know what'll happen, but I can hope that we'll find each other again. Maybe in some other time line, or in some other universe, we'll find away to be together. Maybe it isn't our time yet. We'll let fate decide. If we're meant to be together, we'll be together. Maybe not now. Maybe not yet." And with that, he lets go of my waist and walks away, leaving me crying on the dance floor.

Sorry this was kinda cheesy and cliché but I thought them dancing at the wedding would just be so cute.
-- Just Jules

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