Author's Note

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Hi guys! I know it's been almost 3 months since I last updated which totally sucks and please believe me I am so so so sorry about it. I really do want to finish this story because I love writing and I love the Red Queen universe and the characters in it. You probably don't care about my explanation but here it is anyway. A combination of school (I started high school this year), family stuff, stuff with my friends, and generally being busy has left me with almost no time to myself. When I did have time, I used it to destress with reading, listening to music, or catching up on sleep. Writing wasn't really a priority and every time I thought about this story I felt guilty. You guys are amazing and deserve regular updates. But I just can't give them right now. I have a week before I start school again and I was thinking about trying to write a bunch of chapters and then releasing them slowly to tide y'all over get until I can get my life together and actually write on a schedule. But I can't really promise anything. It's been about a year since I published the first chapter of this story and I wanted to thank you guys for everything. Thank you so much for 10k reads and over 300 votes! I'll try to update soon 😘😘😘
- Just Jules

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