Chapter 36 (Victoia POV)

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I'm stuck waiting at the breakfast table with the King. He looks immensely uncomfortable and I'm gonna do everything to keep it that way. I need him to know what I've gone through. What his kind have put the Reds through. It needs to be clear what my intentions are. Before I can speak, Cal and Mare enter the room together. A look of pure jealousy and anger passes across the King's face. It's clear that Mare and Cal were just having an adorable relationship moment together. That can't happen. If I'm gonna get that crown, I need The queen to leave Tiberias alone.
"Your Majesty," I say, looking at Maven. "I really need to use the restroom. Could the Queen point me in the right direction? This palace is so big I'm sure I'll get lost." Maven nods and shoots a look at The Queen. She motions for me to follow her and we exit the dining hall. We're halfway down the hall when I stop her.
"I don't need to go to the bathroom. I need to talk to you. I really think it would be better for both of you is you and Tiberias stopped spending time together. You're breaking him. And I know that you love him deeply. Anyone can tell by the way you look at each other. But every moment you share gives him a little bit more hope. I don't believe that's a good thing considering that you aren't planning on leaving Maven anytime soon." She looks guilty.
"Our marriage is holding the country together. I can't leave."
"I understand. And I might be overstepping but when I first met the Prince, he was in a bar, drinking like a madman. Being without you drove him to that, but I don't think leading him to believe there's even a chance of you being together helps him at all. And I think that if you truly love him as I think you do, you'll leave him alone. Let him get over you. It'll be hard, but it's what's best for him." The look on her face would make any person with a heart cry. Good thing I gave up having a heart a long time ago. She takes a deep breath in before speaking.
"You're right. You're absolutely right." She bows her head in shame and guilt. I can tell she's about to cry. I've broken her.
"I'm gonna go back to breakfast. I'll give you a few minutes to collect yourself."
"Thank you Victoria," she says before running down the corridor and disappearing into a door, her loud sobs echoing through the hall.

Told you it was gonna get sadder. Also please excuse anything that sounds stupid in this chapter, it was written on a plane. Thx for reading! - Just Jules

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